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Google Says Publishing 100,000 Pages At Once Is Not An SEO Issue

I have heard time and time again from SEOs that they don’t like to push out too much new content on a web site all at once. So if you create a new section on your site and you want to release it to the public but that new section adds hundred thousand new pages – can that hurt you in Google by releasing it all at once. Google’s John Mueller said no – it is perfectly fine to release all those pages all at once.

John said in a video hangout this morning at the 19:12 mark that it is “no problem” to release hundred thousand pages at once. He added from an “SEO point of view that’s generally not an issue.” The only potential issue is that Google will crawl it and your server needs to be able to handle the crawl.

In fact, John said he doesn’t recommend you push this content out slowly. He said “artificially introducing a kind of a trickle into the index is something that often causes more problems than it solves anything.” That is a very interesting point, don’t you think.

A lot of what John said here goes against what I’ve heard from many SEOs in the past.

So just release the content and let Google at it but make sure your servers can handle it.

Here is the video embed:

Here is the transcript:

Can I publish a hundred thousand pages at once?

Sure! No problem.

I think the the biggest impact, the biggest effect you’ll see is that Googlebot will try to crawl a lot of pages. Especially if it’s a larger well-known site, where we already know that crawling pages and indexing pages from that site makes a lot of sense. Then we’ll probably kind of try to crawl a lot of pages on your server and it will be good if your server had the capacity to deal with that.

But from an SEO point of view that’s generally not an issue.

Some sites put their archive online all at once. I think kind of artificially introducing a kind of a trickle into the index is something that often causes more problems than it solves anything. So obviously putting a hundred thousand pages online all at once doesn’t mean that these pages will rank all at once immediately. It’s still going to take time for us to actually rank those pages properly in the search results. But I don’t see anything against putting them all on online.

Forum discussion at YouTube.

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