Here Are The Two Types of Videos to Post

We create videos with the goal of educating and entertaining people. Beyond that, we are all at the mercy of various algorithms in play on the platforms where we hope to share our ideas. In both cases, there are two types of videos that get attention.

The Two Types of Video to Post

  • Brief – Less than 3 minutes, maybe even less than 1.
  • Long – Ten minutes or more.

We either want the snack or the meal. It doesn’t matter which platform, though YouTube tends to promote long form much more than brief works. What matters is what your prospective audience is meant to do after watching the video.

Longer videos earn more camaraderie, trust, likability (if you are worthy of those emotions). Brief videos serve people looking to solve a specific problem.

It’s up to us to create both. It’s not our choice. We don’t pick the length. The platform and our target audience’s intent are what drive these choices.

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