How Bloggers Should Use Twitter to Drive Traffic

I filmed a screen share video to help you use Twitter intelligently.

Many bloggers have a tough time trying to drive traffic through Twitter.

These guys mistakenly try to get traffic and profits on the network all day long, tweeting their own blog posts, doing zero engaging, and foolishly expect to make inroads when they refuse to engage other users and give on the platform.

Watch the screen share guys.

If you are confused about how to tweet I will set you straight:

1: Respond to People Who RT Your Stuff

As you see via my video above I pop in to respond to my Retweeters.

How it works; people who like your content Retweet your content. Thank these people. Chat with these people. Retweet these people. Engaging people who like your blog posts gives attention and energy to people who boost your blog traffic. Where your attention and energy goes, grows.

In essence, people will see you are a human being, not some stupid bot. People who engage like human beings are a rare breed on Twitter. Engaging folks stand out like a sore thumb. Meaning increased traffic is yours if you just engage individuals regularly.

2: Retweet People Freely

I belong to a few Twitter sharing tribes.

My favorite community for sharing content through Twitter is Triberr.

Plain and simple; share folk’s content regularly on Twitter through Triberr and other communities and folks will share your content regularly. Easy peasy, really. Make sure to share targeted, helpful content related to your niche to program your followers as to what to expect from your stream.

Give freely. Cut strings. Do not look for RTs from folks whom you RT. In time, as you become more generous, an increasing number of users will RT your content freely, boosting your blog traffic.

3: Be Persistent

I set aside 10 to 60 minutes daily to engage folks on Twitter. I Retweet intriguing tweets related to travel and blogging and engage folks who Retweet my tweets.

Being persistent is the difference maker because if you expect to see increasing traffic over the long haul on the platform you better show up regularly. Again; where your attention and energy goes, grows.

Persistent users on Twitter outshine the masses of bloggers who tweet sporadically, giving the network a shot for a few days or weeks. Has anybody ever had success with their blog or any online network by giving it a shot for a few days or weeks? Delusional, right?

Be all in guys.

Drive traffic through the amazing power of commitment.

Remember why you are tweeting. I love the fun and freedom of my traveling lifestyle. Engaging people persistently on Twitter has played a chief role in me circling the globe, changing time zones like most people change their minds.

My 53,000 followers and high levels of engagement grew out of my high energy and persistence with using the platform.

4: Use Lists to Drive Targeted Traffic

Over the past few days I attracted blog traffic through both my blogging lists.

OK; this happens every day. But I specifically noted how a handful of individuals whom I engaged after finding them on both my #travel and blogging lists (1 hashtag, 1 keyword) told me how they enjoyed my blog and eBooks.

Using Twitter lists either through the micro blogging platform itself or via tools simply drives inquiring users to your blog, increasing your blog traffic.

Blogging From Paradise appeals to aspiring and pro bloggers, both in the blogging tips and travel blogging niches. I hang out where these bloggers on Twitter hang out, engaging them, retweeting them and helping them to form bonds which boosts my blog traffic near term and long term.

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