How Can You Find Good Blog Post Ideas Regularly?

Good content is the fuel that drives your blogging machine.

Without helpful content related to your niche your blogging career is guaranteed to die a quick death.

Finding good blog post ideas gets easier with practice but you need to know where to look and how to look to uncover these blogging business building gems.

After writing and publishing well over 1000 guest posts since I created Blogging From Paradise in 2014 and tossing in the 3,400 blog posts I wrote and published before hatching BFP I am kinda skilled at pinpointing helpful, traffic-boosting blog post ideas.

If writer’s block seems to hold you captive follow these 3 tips to find good blog post ideas.

1: Oldies But Goodies

Review your old posts.

Review your old guest posts.

What topics vibe with your audience?

What topics garnered the highest traffic, or most comments?

Revisit these blog post ideas.

Find rocking posts by simply observing what rocked in the past.

I reviewed my first post on Blogging From Paradise yesterday:

10 Reasons Why Fijian Fruit Bats Would Be Successful Bloggers

63 comments for a first post. Not bad. Plus readers enjoyed the colorful analogy.

I will continue to explore fun analogies between my travels and blogging going forward.

2: Follow the Leaders

If you are a social media blogger you better pay attention to Gary Vaynerchuk.

If he is blogging about the topic you better cover the topic – or a similar topic – too. Why? Gary Vee has his hand of the pulse of social media because he is a social media leader. If he’s talking about a topic it is a good topic to cover on your blog.

Make sure the leader hails from your niche.

Internet marketing bloggers would pay attention to David Boozer.

Online business bloggers who want to build thriving businesses the right way would pay attention to Alonzo Pichardo.

Follow leaders in your niche. Whatever they cover is likely good money as far as blog post topics on your blog.

3: Practice Observing

So many bloggers want to know where to look for good blog post ideas but carry so much head trash that they never take time to relax and observe the limitless blog post ideas around them.

I am approaching 500 guest posts on Blogging Tips alone. Toss in hundreds on other blogs and I am pretty prolific.


I watch.

If someone sends me an email I turn it into a blog post idea.

If someone asks me a question on Facebook about blogging I write a blog post or guest post on the topic.

I am an observer. I watch the world around me to spot human behaviors, struggles, people living their dreams and all the day to day stuff unfolding around all of us.

Watch this Facebook Broadcast as I dive into the concept.

Go ahead; hit the play button:

Tips for Being an Observer

  • consider meditating daily to expand your awareness
  • try doing yoga daily to open up your body and mind
  • sit in quiet for 5-10 minutes before starting your way blogging work day to calm your body and mind
  • review emails and social media chats at the end of your day

Most bloggers have active minds and resist meditating. Trust me guys; I was in that boat for years. But when I woke up and realized that I was not my mind, but awareness observing my mind, I began meditating regularly and can now grab blog post ideas out of thin air.

Your Turn

What tips can you add to this list?

How do you find good blog post ideas?

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