How Digital Marketing can build Disruptive Business

How Digital Marketing can build Disruptive Business

Disruptive Digital Marketing Trends for your Business

The digital marketing world is full of innovations and creativity where each day something new comes. It can never stand still as new trends emerge and new brands evolve in order to get good recognition across the globe. But it has to face many things whenever a new brand tries to establish fully in a digitized world.

In fact, Digital marketing for SMB holds risk facing disruptions in this competitive arena. This all happens due to the presence of various false digital marketing trends affecting businesses badly.

Digital marketing for SMB is a great platform that provides endless opportunities to SMBs for reaching out to their potential clients via genuine activities like marketing campaigns, segmented messages and also very well understand its target market to get good business growth. But the game of marketing is the same for each business whether it is small or big. Consumers in the world of digital marketing act as savvier and wearier of marketing tactics.

Moreover, a number of marketing tools have come up viz. analytics, automation that are challenging businesses. But this actually offers them a competitive advantage and make them able to stand and survive in this game for the long haul. In this blog, we will discuss those digital marketing trends which are disrupting your businesses today.

Trends which will disrupt businesses:

Black Hat SEO

There are many experts who feel that most of Black Hat SEO tactics were nullified after Google’s Penguin and Panda updates to its search engine. But let me tell you the truth, Black Hat still exists, albeit not as visible as it used to be.

SEO is meant to make your website user-friendly which Google can crawl easily and give a good rank to it. But there are people mainly spammers who are misusing concepts of SEO to bring more traffic by breaking the defined rules of Google. There are two black hat tactics still being used today:

  • Spam comments: Spam commenting on your professional blogs harm the quality of your blogs. Your blog will get neglected and thus affects the overall performance of your corporate website.
  • Duplicate content: Copy-paste content across different domains is considered as the worst black hat SEO content. It results in a poor user experience which may lead your website to get penalized soon. Article spinning also affects the quality of the content. Search engines only prefer original and quality content.

Negative effects of social media

Social media has greatly influenced the current marketing scenario. Companies are running their businesses successfully and earning well with it. But if your planning is not strategic, then the impact of social media on business could be worse which further can harm your reputation too.

  • When a piece of content gets posted then multiple users interact with it. They do comments, share and like the posts. In this way, it increases user engagement and helps in shaping your social media marketing activities.
  • But this can also turn into a negative concept if it goes against your marketing campaigns or ads due to negative responses from people. That’s why social media monitoring is always advised to keep your business on track.
  • ROI: To remain active for a long on almost all the social media platforms would ultimately beneficial for your business. It measures the ROI from all its campaigns. It is a complex process because you will not get exact numbers for how much worth the social media marketing activities are bringing to your company.
  • Bad reviews: A small mistake on social media is hard to rectify because it’s a big platform where small information spreads like water among people. Today, every small or large business can be easily found on social media platforms where customers can give feedback or review them. A negative customer review will ultimately claim their reputation and business badly.

Key barriers in Online Marketing

Online marketing is running businesses successfully nowadays. For this, you need to invest a lot to get a good reputation over the web. However, it has various disadvantages that are disrupting businesses today.

  • The Internet is full of information and it makes it cozy to differentiate between crap and quality at some point. In fact, craps are always targeted to new SMBs or start-ups.
  • It is competitive marketing field.
  • It is not free. Online marketing involves a couple of things such as maintenance of the website, software/ hardware cost, online distribution cost, etc. This must be issued into the cost of your product or service.

What next is coming to disrupt businesses?

Search engine marketing, social media outreach, etc. are no longer current trends now. These are common things for every business now. You should look at the following elements which can affect digital marketing for SMB in the coming years.

1. Expert global marketing

Single country marketing is not enough as more and more businesses want to get good recognition globally. Business owners should tailor their marketing strategies, website’s landing pages and call to actions across the globe. This actually requires expertise or you can consult with reliable professional services.

2. Advanced automation and digital marketing software

Big brands use sophisticated and advanced techniques to succeed in the market. Marketing automation has become a necessity for them to manage customer engagement. From small to larger sized businesses, all are developing sustained and complex user engagement with marketing automation. Most businesses use popular digital marketing software and web apps such as Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google’s tools such as Analytics & Google Search Console.

But if your business requires personalized digital marketing tools, you can take a step further and invest in custom software development services for a competitive, powerful digital marketing weapon.

3. Content marketing

Crowdsourced content is winning the whole marketing game. Crowdsourced content refers to customer-generated content which would definitely bring various business benefits if used organically especially with social media. Digital marketing experts also believe that it is the quality content which grabs more respect and attention.

Moreover, it is a key to successful influencer marketing. A large number of businesses are ready to invest high for those bloggers who have the capability to get their bf5cognized globally.

4. Data analytics

It is the most important marketing tool for every business. Campaigns make a great impact by focusing on customer analytics and real-time data. With the help of analytics, businesses can better understand their potential customers and manage their marketing campaigns in a specific manner too. It makes businesses more responsive in their approach and offers messaging optimization.


We have seen both good and bad impacts of digital marketing trends which can disrupt businesses in the coming years. The spectra of worst digital marketing trends can cause great harm to a business website as it gets penalized or banned and then ultimately get removed from SERPs.

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