How Electricity Monster Increased Revenue by 300% in 6 Months

Who doesn’t want more high-quality leads from their paid search campaigns? It’s on every marketer’s wish list, but David Fitzgerald, General Manager at Electricity Monster, knew that simply wishing was not enough. The 30-employee, Australian-market utility broker firm was all too familiar with being burned by paid search agencies in the past.

“We’ve worked with three agencies now, and every time they would sign us up for a monthly plan, and the bills would keep coming,” David said. The problem? The bills were piling up, but the leads were not.

customer spotlight on electricity monster

“We knew we were wasting money, but didn’t know how or why,” David said. He decided to shift away from the agency route and towards a new solution…

Taking the Plunge with WordStream Advisor

After trying AdWords specialist after AdWords specialist, all of whom delivered bills but not results, Electricity Monster had reached their breaking point. David stumbled upon a WordStream e-book and decided to expand his horizons outside of the Australian agency market.

“We decided to search for another solution, and after realizing WordStream is the market leader in this field, we decided to sign up,” says David.

On June 1 of 2017, Electricity Monster became an official WordStream customer and started using the platform to manage and grow their AdWords spend.

Getting Rid of Waste

The first thing that was clear to David was that his AdWords spend was no longer being wasted. Sweet relief! David and his team were able to use WordStream Advisor to find and eliminate the money-wasting keywords and focus on what was actually working.

“We stopped wasting money so that we could spend more on converting keywords,” David said. “There were lots of improvements in terms of efficiency, mainly from removing the waste and adjusting our bids on better converting days of the week.”

The other huge benefit of cutting out waste was that they were no longer bringing in unqualified website visitors, in turn improving their lead quality overall.

“Our quality of lead improved greatly as negative keywords were added, and our budget was no longer being eaten by poor quality leads. We moved the waste to better conversions and the results were fantastic!”

Winning Together with WordStream’s Guidance

As mentioned, David knew what is was like to work with companies where the main priority was collecting cash. Electricity Monster certainly did not want to go down that path again, and David was relieved to find that WordStream would be more of a partner.

“The best thing about WordStream is that they force me to have weekly meetings. This makes you all work as a team!” he says. “And WordStream actually does the work. For instance, if you need help with a task it’s usually done within 3 days.”

AdWords wasn’t a black box anymore: “The strategy is also explained to you,” David said.

David couldn’t have been more pleased to develop a relationship with his WordStream Customer Success Specialist, who has helped him learn the strategies involved in paid search so he can manage his account independently as well.

“Our account manager was fantastic at explaining strategies, and then implementing them,” David said. “WordStream also always provides us with answers fast! If our account manager doesn’t know something, she will go ask others at WordStream.”

Boosting the Budget

As David began cutting the waste and seeing more relevant clicks and conversions come in the door through his AdWords campaigns, he knew it was time to get more aggressive with their budget.

“The cost-per-click would go up at times, but we were prepared to bid more aggressively on keywords that we knew were better converters,” he said. David ended up doubling their budget for search, and felt confident doing so now that the waste was gone.

So, was it all worth it? Keep on reading to find out…

Seeing Results

After evaluating the results Electricity Monster has seen since June, it is safe to say that their increased investment in paid search has paid off.

The company now sees around 550 sales per week from paid search, which generate a revenue of around $100,000 per week!

“Since using WordStream, our company revenue has gone up by 300% in as little as 6 months! I would recommend WordStream to anyone,” says David.

We’re so impressed by David’s results, and cannot wait to see where our partnership takes Electricity Monster next.

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