How Much Time Should You Spend Blogging Daily?

10 years ago, I never realized travel blogging requires fulfilling 3 different roles:

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Most travel bloggers struggle because the crowd dives into travel blogging based on a love of travel. People tell them they should become a travel blogger because of their travel love. Said aspiring blogger nods, imagines getting paid to travel and write about it, and buys their domain and hosting.

Failure generally ensues because this person believes circling the globe, writing a post here and there, and tapping a publish button leads to travel blogging success.


Being a travel blogger requires successfully fulfilling 3 clear roles.

1: Traveler (Love of Travel)

I love traveling but needed to genuinely love traveling to become a full time travel blogger.

Enjoy this photo from one of my trips to Costa Rica.

You need travel frequently to get enough information to keep your travel blog content flowing freely. Traveling a bunch feels fun, freeing and challenging sometimes. Airy aspiring travel bloggers, being ignorant of these challenges, tire of travel, cut back on globe trotting, take 1 trip for 1 month, per year, and lack travel experiences for sufficiently filling blogs with timely, enticing, helpful content.

Allow traveling to flow through your blood. Be passionate about traveling. Love the ride.

Travel frequently to have experiences for sharing on your blog.

2: Blogger (Record Experiences)

Become super skilled at recording experiences to be a full time travel blogger.

During your travels, take mental and physical notes. Be present. Be in the moment.

Remember and record enough experiences to write and publish 800 to 2,000 word blog posts. Or longer.

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  • create helpful content
  • build connections with top travel bloggers
  • practice writing 500 words daily offline
  • invest in quality cameras for capturing eye-popping images and videos
  • build relationships with tourism boards, tour guides and other folks working in the tourist niche

Invest in my blogging course to become a successful, full time, travel blogger.

Successful travel bloggers know blogging is the prime work-energy element in this equation.

Pros like Meg Jerrard share how substantial time and energy go into being a professional travel blogger.

I agree.

You can and will succeed. Just know travel blogging requires some work in the blogging area.

Frame it properly. Be positive. Blogging is having fun creating content and making friends with pros in the niche.

3: Entrepreneur (Monetize Your Blog)

This is where things really get awkward for most travel bloggers.

Most carry an intense fear concerning receiving a neutral means of exchange called money and said fear mirrors back to them as financial struggles.

Travel bloggers tend to do the affiliate walk of shame, bending over backwards to explain they get so little money via their affiliate disclosures. Bad idea. Money is energy. If you feel ashamed to receive money, and tell folks you will make just a little bit, you get just a little bit of money.

Check out my affiliate disclosure.

I am an entrepreneur. I potentially make money through all I do blogging-wise. Every link or image you click leads to money, potentially. I hope so! I am an entrepreneur. This is no non-profit, not charity. I run a blogging business.

Adopting this attitude/energy helps you make a lot more money because if you feel abundant, rich, wealthy, whole and complete, you:

  • open multiple streams of income like sponsored posts, ads, writing and selling eBooks, creating and selling courses, affiliate marketing, coaching, freelancing
  • feel comfortable and clear with receiving money, so you receive ample money and become a full time, professional travel blogger
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Travel blogging gets easier and easier if you think and feel rich through deliberate mental training. I have listened to wealthy affirmations in the background for the past 3 hours while working this morning.

Is it any wonder why I was just invited to co-author an book with a dude who generated $200 million in sales online, said book positioned to make the Wall Street Journey and USA Today Best Seller lists?

I think and feel wealthy so live a really neat life through blogging.

Be an alert traveler, diligent blogger and prosperity conscious entrepreneur.

You will love this journey.

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