How Security Managers should collaborate with IT for planning an IoT Security Infrastructure

IoT devices need to be managed both internally, (e.g., software maintenance) and externally (i.e., their communication with other system).

Let’s drive in the details of how these devices are connected.

Every IoT device is connected to a management unit, known as a command and control center. These Centers are responsible for software maintenance, configurations, firmware updates to patch bugs and vulnerabilities, and authenticating tasks, such as device enrollment. Whenever there is a specific command to fetch data, these IoT devices connect with the Database directly linked with the Command and Control Center.

Communication between the devices is enabled via application program interface or APIs. Once a device’s manufacturer exposes its API, applications can use it to gather information and communicate with other connected devices. Some of the APIs even allow control over devices.

IoT devices manage Access Control in a facility: A building manager can use an API to remotely lock doors inside a specific office.

IoT device plays a powerful role in providing surveillance solutions in your facility. It controls surveillance devices remotely to monitor all aspects of a facility.

IoT triggers a false alarm in case of any system issue or device functioning failure. Its never limited, there are so many other areas, IoT is involved.

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