voice search optimization

How to Add Voice Search to Your Mobile App

The life-long tradition of touching and scrolling that came around since touch screen phones are almost done away with. If you are a business owner, you can introduce Voice Search to your mobile app to improve your business. There is a reason why voice-integrated AI’s are so popular nowadays, and that is because people prefer talking.

According to research, about 70% of people in the last year have turned to voice searching. This is more practical for people because they can use their voice to give commands, and the app can perform it for them. Once you give your app voice control support, people can perform a wide range of actions depending on your services. It can be to play music, note down chores, or track activity. Google Assistant is one of the most popular tools used today, and there are many popular apps such that have paired up with Google Assistant to bring in more customers through the use of SEO.

There are many commands that you can give to your app through Voice Search Implementation, but here are some of the most common ones that your app should have:

  • Calling or texting someone
  • Check restaurants nearby and book tables
  • Receiving directions
  • Setting reminders
  • Play videos or songs
  • Find hotels or plans

These aren’t all the commands that you can add to your Mobile App Development, but these are the most basic ones that you can probably picture in an application. You can always add unique functions and commands depending on the products you have or the services you offer.

There are many reasons as to why you should give your app voice command ability, such as a more extensive customer base and more traffic, but there are plenty more Voice Search Benefits.

Here Are Some of the Top Reasons to Include Voice Search in Your App

If people find that they can use voice search to perform commands in your app, they will have an easier time using your app. The last thing you want is for customers to get annoyed if your app is difficult to use or if they need to type out every single word. There is a reason why food apps such as Domino’s and Starbucks have become so popular, and it is because they have an added feature for voice command.

It is without a doubt that people will get annoyed if your app takes too long to load. When you check out a new app, and the page takes too long to load, you usually tend to close it and delete the app, right? According to research, that’s exactly what everybody else does if the page takes more than three seconds to load. Every customer is valuable, and if you don’t want to lose any, add the option for voice control because it can make the app work much faster.

  • You Can Pair Up Your App With Google Assistance

If you add the voice command option to your app, you can also bring it under Google Assistance. If you add this option, your app will perform any command even as long as Google Assistance understands it.

Page authority doesn’t have half as much importance as a good domain rating. If your website has a better domain rating, it has a higher chance of ranking better in the search results. If you can build quality links, it can be a good Search Engine Optimization tactic to boost your SERP or Search Engine Results Pages.

  • Featured Snippets to Help Your Business

When a person searches for something using their voice, Snippets are the precise search results that show up. A featured Snippet would have a clear cut answer to the question in an organized format. To get featured, your website needs to show up in the top 10 search results.

Although there are many benefits and advantages to adding the voice command ability to your app, you also need to know how to implement it.

Follow These Steps to Add Voice Search to Your Mobile App

1. Enable Voice Search

To do this, you need to pair an intent filter with the search filter of Google Assistance. This isn’t very hard to do because you are matching an object with an activity that can be anything like booking a taxi or setting reminders.
You will need to add this code to the Androidmanifest file:
<activity android: name = “SearchActivity”>
<action android : name =”com.google.android.gms.actions.SEARCH_ACTION”>
<category android: name = ”android.intent. category.DEFAULT”/>

2. Confirm

After this, you will need to mention the intent, confirm the action, and receive the query.
Intent Intent = GetIntent ();
If (SearchIntents.ACTION_SEARCH.equals (intent.getAction ()))
{String Query = intent.getStringExtra (SearchManager.QUERY);
Domysearch (query) ;}}

When you are using this code, there is a GetAction intent which places the voice command of a person in a text.

Here are a few inbuilt ones that you can use:

  • To call for a taxi- com.google.android.gms.actions.RESERVE_TAXI_RESERVATION
  • Make a note- android.intent.action.SEND
  • Start a stopwatch- com.google.android.wearable.action.STOPWATCH
  • Set an alarm- android.intent.action.SET_ALARM

Adding voice technology to your app is very easy, but it can be challenging to write code. You can use Google Assistance to help you get this done. There are Action packages that Google can give you to make the process of coding easier. It can set up some of the most basic commands and text for voice instruction that you have to copy-paste into your AndroidManifest files.

Here’s How Google Voice Interaction With API Works

  • It retrieves the voice- When a person is interacting, it receives their voice clearly.
  • It submits a request to the interactor- After receiving the voice, it sends out a command.
  • Google takes the lead- Google Assistance handles and responds to the conversation and takes care of the callback.

The Addition of Voice Search in an App Is a Real Stepping Stone

Although there are many commands that you can add to your app, you can start with a few basic ones only to test it out. You can continue getting Action packages from Google and adding them to your app, depending on your business. However, voice search is the bare minimum that your app should app if you want to move forward and continue growing. Adding voice commands will revolutionize your app and will contribute to a higher client base, and therefore, a business that continues to progress.

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