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How To Avoid Blogger Burnout And Promote Your Success

I am visiting with family and friends for a few days. Busy bee on the social side of things.

I can only do so much business-wise through this weekend. Just the way it is.

If I wanted to go mad I would stay up until 2 AM, wake at 5 AM and get all of my normal workload done. Been there. Done that. This always leads to some mental or physical breakdown.

Instead, I have learned how to avoid blogger burnout, how to promote my success and how to have a rich, freeing, fulfilling life outside of blogging.

The secret hinges on 2 concepts I wish to share with you today.

Leveraging And Recycling.


I only have 2-4 hours today for working.

The rest of my time will be spent with family.

Knowing this, I will leverage the stuffing out of my presence. Meaning I will reach as many human beings as possible with a limited number of actions.

This means guest posting and blog commenting.

I am writing this post. I will write 2-4 more guest posts. Every guest post reaches a huge number of targeted folks in a minimal amount of time. Leveraging. Smart blogging.

I will let go posting to Quora, The Warrior Forum and Twitter today because each activity leverages not my presence like writing and submitting guest posts to top blogs in my niche. I only have a few hours to work with so I need to make those few hours count.

If you are working full time and have a few minutes a day to blog, leverage by guest posting. Write a portion of a guest post today. Rinse and repeat tomorrow. Leverage your presence quickly.

As for blog commenting I will set aside 30 to 60 minutes to read and comment on a set number of travel blog posts. Again, this gives me serious bang for my blog commenting and leveraging buck. Reach a bunch of interested folks in a little time.

Avoid burnout. Leverage your presence. Promote your blogging success.


I have become an active community member on a new blogging community where members network and provide helpful, fresh, valuable blog posts.

No way in Hades I could write and promote a new blog post through said network today because I have only enough time to write and publish 2-4 guest posts plus the aforementioned blog commenting strategy we talked about.

But I can *recycle* an old, evergreen YouTube video by dressing it up, adding an intro and posting the video embed code to the community blog, saving myself a bunch of time, solving a problem and effectively dancing around the problem of blogger burnout.

I am guessing you have hundreds to even thousands of pieces of content you have created throughout your cyber real estate. Re-use one piece of content on another platform. Publish a blog post based on an old podcast or YouTube video. Publish a guest post centered on an old Facebook video.

Recycling is the easiest way to save time while sharing a valuable, evergreen piece of content across a new, targeted, engaged platform. Saving time saves your energy. Saving your energy helps you avoid blogger burnout.

Being Nimble

I am addicted to creating and connecting. But I have removed enough of my ego from the process where I am nimble, meaning I let go what I need to let go to save my time, to save my energy, to leverage my presence and to promote my success.

All while I enjoy the freedom of living this glam internet lifestyle here in the USA. Or anywhere in the world.

Eye Candy

Enjoy this little piece of eye candy from paradise. If you want to learn how to leverage and recycle effectively watching this video can give you the inspiration to engineer a more freeing, fun lifestyle.

This is a throwback video of me sharing the stunning views of Savusavu, Fiji, voted one of the most peaceful islands on earth.

Your Turn

How are you leveraging your content? How are you recycling? Do you feel burned out? Why? How can you better solve your blogger burnout problem?

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