How to Create Effective Content With the Help of Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, has become a real buzzword these last couple of years. No longer restricted to the fanciful realm of science fiction, artificial intelligence is being improved upon each day in very real ways. And this includes its increasingly advanced and widespread application in the context of content creation.

Here are a few examples of companies and industry experts that are exercising the power of artificial intelligence in creative ways to generate new and engaging online content.

Use AI to get the best answers 

It’s fair to say that Google is top dog when it comes to modern search engines. But the one big limitation with Google or any other search engine is they can only find content and answers that already exist on the web.

That’s not the case with Endor. The appeal here is you can “ask predictive questions and get accurate results, fast, on your own.” In Endor’s own words, it is the “Google for predictive analytics.” What this means is you can get automated accurate predictions, powered by artificial intelligence, which answer questions about what may happen in the future, based on advanced data science and predictive analytics. And no, you don’t need to have any special expertise to take advantage of it.

A proprietary social physics technology is at the heart of Endor, backed by “massive machine power” to deliver accurate predictions on multiple topics. Say that you are interested in investing in a cryptocurrency, but you’re not sure which one shows the most promise. You can ask Endor to predict which token will increase the most in value within the next 30 days, and it’ll give you its best answer.

Up until now, that level of predictive power had been restricted to tech giants with deep pockets. These large organizations can hire teams of expensive analysts to churn through mountains of data to reach their predictions. With Endor, you get machine learning technology with predictive AI and can go through large data sets faster and more effectively—all you need to do is ask in plain language.

This kind of approach makes highly advanced predictive analytics much more accessible and scalable for just about any business. And this kind of analysis can yield some seriously impactful content.

Convert your best text content into online videos

It goes without saying that online video has exploded in popularity in recent years, largely thanks to the ease of creating and consuming videos over the internet. It has been demonstrated that videos are generally more engaging for users than just text or images alone, and this is why social networks like Facebook tend to give native video preferential treatment in its algorithm.

Creating excellent video to post on these social channels can seem like an incredibly daunting, technical, and time-consuming task—but it doesn’t have to be. With Lumen5, you have access to a video creation platform for businesses that leverages the power of artificial intelligence. The net result is the ability to easily create exceptional social videos in minutes.

Say you’ve already invested time, energy, and resources putting together a great article on certain topic. You will also need to create a social video to draw in your audience to convert them into fans, subscribers, or customers. With Lumen5, you can get automated video creation with AI. The system will automatically “summarize the content and match each scene with relevant videos, photos, and music.”

If you’ve ever seen videos on Facebook that are overlaid with text and dynamic photos and videos, that is the kind of video you can produce with Lumen5 in just a few clicks. You either provide your own images and video, or you tap into the millions of free media assets in the Lumen5 library. You can get started for free, or upgrade to either the Pro plan or Business plan for $49/month or $99/month, respectively.

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Understanding how to adapt AI into your own business

The internet allows us to connect with people all around the world in all sorts of wonderful, powerful, and sometimes, profitable ways. However, the challenge is data gets scattered across the far reaches of the web. The owners of these platforms have created silos over which they exercise control; it can be a hassle to move or synchronize data across these different platforms.

With AI at the doorstep of nearly every business in the world today, it’s not a question of when such technology will be used; it’s more of a question of how. To best answer this question, entrepreneurs from YEC shared their thoughts on the future of AI, and how they might implement such technology into their own brands.

Some of the most common and effective uses mentioned were to improve fraud prevention, predict customer behavior, offer better support through AI learning and chat support, and improve online advertising and targeting, based on audience interest and previous data usage. As all businesses are run differently, it will be quite interesting to see how AI will be continually used and changed in the coming years.

AI is here—how are you going to use it?

From a content creation and marketing perspective, you can see how AI will be incredibly effective and useful. Most brands and business on the internet are already using automation, which has completely changed the way they do business in the world today. Now imagine the possibilities when AI is thrown into the mix.

RELATED: SMBs: It’s Time to Embrace AI Technologies or Risk Falling Behind

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