How to Drive More eCommerce Sales and Leads with Marketing Automation

Something that you’ll learn very quickly, or at least that you should learn very quickly, is that it pays much more handsomely to work smarter rather than to work harder. If you want to run a successful business, particularly in the realm of eCommerce, you need to get out of the mindset that more hours worked will necessarily lead to more dollars and cents; it doesn’t. Instead, it’s much more about the effectiveness of those hours worked. The more you can automate and outsource, the more hours you’ll have free to focus on higher level, more executive tasks like strategy and positioning.

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To that end, Flashy can take your eCommerce business and elevate it to the next level with advanced ecommerce marketing automation and email marketing. It’s positioned as “the smartest way to understand your visitors and customers,” giving you the opportunity to get the results you desire. Let’s take a closer look.

The Flashy Approach to eCommerce

There are a multitude of tools out there that you can use for different facets of your overall marketing plan. You might already use an email marketing platform for your email newsletter, for instance, and another as a customer relationship management (CRM) solution, and another still for optimizing website pop-ups or push notifications. Flashy brings all these components together as an all-in-one eCommerce solution.

One of the more profound and remarkably common challenges that you’ll find with eCommerce is that all of these moving pieces don’t “talk” to one another in the most effective manner. Each platform might maintain its own user list, for example, and you don’t get to capitalize on cross-referencing that data for maximum impact. Flashy overcomes this, because it’s an all-in-one system.

Indeed, the best and most effective forms of automation marketing are heavily reliant on customer and visitor data. The more specific data you can gather on any individual user, the better positioned the system can be in providing just the right message at just the right time. Flashy monitors and saves each and every interaction, crafting a unique customer journey for optimized conversion and the best customer experience.

Email Marketing Platform

Let’s take a look at some of the individual components of the Flashy platform. First, there’s email marketing. You can start with any number of the delightful themes and templates as a starting point, which you can then customize to best suit your specific branding and messaging.

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Built right into the Flashy platform is a dynamic, yet easy-to-use email editor with drag and drop functionality. This makes it really easy for you to move the elements around to suit your particular needs. No coding experience or knowledge needed. And the emails are already mobile optimized, so you’ll know they will look great whether your subscribers are accessing them on their smartphones or computers.

Continuing with the mantra of leading with data to optimize the automation, the email platform offers robust and deep segmentation for your contact lists. You can segment your list based on a number of attributes, like geo-location and gender, as well as by actions, like purchase history and website visits. For instance, you may have a special message crafted specifically for a customer who has visited the “women’s jeans” page, is over 22 years of age, is located in Canada, and was last seen more than 30 days ago.

With a personalized message, delivered based on this segmentation and on the specific triggers you define, you give yourself the best shot at increasing leads and sales. You can track all of this through real-time campaign analytics, giving you key insights into who opened the email, who clicked on the links, what they did when they got to your website, and more.

Marketing Automation Platform

Really, the biggest benefit that you’ll see with Flashy is when you take advantage of the marketing automation component of the platform. You can set up the automation to be as complex or as simple as you like, as segmented or as generalized as you like. These specific workflows are really easy to understand and adjust, because they are all visualized in a drag-and-drop editor.

You can customize and segment these types of automations down to the individual customer, giving each and every one of your contact as personalized an experience as possible. For example, you might set up one series of automations that are targeting cart abandonment. From there, you may have one path for customers who have a cart value over $100 and a different one for under $100. You might set up an automation for customers who are subscribed to your emails and have opened them, but maybe they haven’t clicked on any of the links inside.

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That one-on-one interaction empowers you to deliver just the right message at exactly the right moment, all happening automatically behind the scenes as you work on other aspects of your business. The deep segmentation and filters available to you are outstanding, from email and website activity to purchase history and customer lifetime value (LTV). Drip campaigns are all a part of this too.

Smart Popups, SMS Marketing, and Push Notifications Too

As alluded to earlier, Flashy isn’t just about email marketing either. The all-in-one eCommerce solution also empowers you to connect with customers in various other ways, including smart popups on your website, SMS marketing to their phones, and push notifications to their desktop and mobile devices as well.

Just as you saw with the marketing automation and email marketing, the smart popups are equally intelligent in their execution. Again, you can take advantage of advanced triggers based on specific activity, like scrolling, purchase behavior or exit-intent. These popups can also be populated with dynamic content based on specific customer activity too. If they browsed around on Product X, you might automatically suggest Product Y.

This improves opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, as well as a chance to reduce cart abandonment and grow your email or SMS list.

Pricing Plans Starting at $0 Per Month

The monthly pricing plans for Flashy depend on the package you want and the number of contacts you wish to manage.

What’s remarkable is that you can literally start for free with the starter plan and 250 contacts. That includes basic marketing automation, unlimited emails, and both email and SMS marketing for up to one user. More features are offered in the Professional, Master, and Enterprise plans, like smart popups, CRM, more users, unlimited history, a custom domain, and more. For context, the starter plan with 1,250 contacts is $13 per month, going up to $251 for 50k contacts and $394 for almost 100k contacts.

No matter the type of eCommerce business you run or the number of contacts you wish to manage, Flashy has a plan for you. And with advanced marketing automation to free up your time and to drive more sales and leads, it’ll pay for itself multi-fold in no time.

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