How to Face and Release the Fear of Not Being Heard

One common stumbling block trips up all bloggers at one time during their careers.


During particularly lean days when nobody seems to read your blog you probably want to quit.

Even worse?

You fear that nobody will ever read your blog. You are wasting your time, blogging in a cyber cave. If nobody is listening now you are terrified that nobody will ever listen.

By following a few basic steps you can face and release the fear of not being heard.

Once dissolved you will:

  • attract a loyal blog readership
  • boost your blogging traffic
  • increase your blogging profits
  • get more blog comments
  • increase your social shares

Follow these tips to address your fear of not being heard.

All Beginning Bloggers Feel this Way

I have yet to meet a blogger who felt 100% clear on their blog as a newbie.

Every successful blogger I know felt like nobody listened for the first few months or even years of their blogging career.

I saw 3 visitors a day to my old blog for my first few months. I often wondered if anybody was listening or if anybody would ever listen.

Fearing that you are wasting your time blogging since nobody seems to be listening cuts your blogging career off at the legs.

Realize that every blogger needs to pay an online tuition based on embracing this fear and developing their skills.

Nobody comes into the blogging game as a natural.

Traffic Flows as Skills Grow

Blog traffic flows as skills grow.

Do you fear like you’re not being heard? You haven’t developed your writing and blogging skills.

It takes time to be heard because it takes time to become a skilled writer and blogger.

Practice writing 1000 words daily in a Word document. So few bloggers practice their writing unless they are publishing a blog post which is a huge mistake. But the few who do write daily – just for practice, save their weekly blog post – dissolve their fear and become well-known in their blogging niche.

Ditto for bloggers who hone their networking skills.

Learn how to blog from rocking bloggers.

Practice your writing, creating and networking skills daily.

Be heard by developing your blogging game.

This takes time.

Be patient and through your diligent devotion to your blogging craft you will grow a large, loyal readership.

Dive out of Your Comfort Zone

This is perhaps the toughest tip to follow and most important piece of advice to embrace if you want to be heard.

If you aren’t being heard you are sitting firmly inside of your comfort zone.

All freedom from fear occurs on the other side of fear.

Dive out of your comfort zone regularly. Your readership waits for you well outside of your comfort zone.

Example; this is my 2nd guest post on Blogging Tips today. I love writing. I love teaching bloggers how to blog. But after a long day of play/work I feel tired on a Tuesday night. Yet here I am; a bit out of my comfort zone, expanding my reach far and wide in the blogging tips niche.

This is how you get heard. Moving from the comfortable and stagnant to the uncomfortable feeling of growing.

GP and BC

Guest post and blog comment.

Guest posting on blogs related to your niche and writing effective, 3-4 paragraph, personalized blog comments on the same blogs helps you be heard.

This fear of not being heard arrests bloggers who publish content and comments solely on their blogs. Prolific guest posters and effective blog commentors are heard loud and clear, thank you.

Following tip #3 makes this tip easier to follow.

Your Turn

How did you address this fear?

Or are you still super scared that nobody reads your posts?

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