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How to Generate Engagement & Leads From Your Blog

For all the time and effort you put into your blog, what is it actually doing for you? If it’s not generating leads, then you can make it work harder.

How? The Web development specialists at Webby Monks have created an infographic that explains the following five ways your blog can help engage readers and generate leads:

1. Smart design: More than 83% of users will leave a webpage if it takes too many clicks to find what they want, the infographic explains, and it gives examples of what makes a design work well.

2. Calls to action: Include CTAs throughout the page, and make them personalized whenever possible.

3. Opportunities to engage: Commenting and taking action on social media are examples of how readers can engage with your blog.

4. Opt-In forms: The average email opt in rate for a website is 1.95%, according to the infographic, and it reports that the top 10% of performers see an average of 4.77% opt-in rate.

5. Load speed: If your website doesn’t load quickly, people will abandon it.

To see the details on those five tips, click on the image below for the full infographic:

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Laura Forer is the manager of MarketingProfs: Made to Order, Original Content Services, which helps clients generate leads, drive site traffic, and build their brands through useful, well-designed content.

LinkedIn: Laura Forer

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