How to Improve Your Ranking Using a Link Tracker and Your Social Media Traffic

How to Improve Your Ranking Using a Link Tracker and Your Social Media Traffic

How to Improve Your Ranking Using a Link Tracker and Your Social Media Traffic

It’s no secret that in 2020, the internet is one of the most important places to be in the world of business. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a blogger, or a builder by trade – without having a website and sharing it effectively, you become irrelevant very quickly.

This is because the vast majority of people – as many as an admitted 90% – start their search for services and shopping on the internet now. Gone are the days of opening a telephone directory or going to the local mall, the easiest and most convenient way of searching for what you need is undoubtedly online. Usually on a preferred search engine. 

With that in mind, it’s no surprise that social media traffic and tracking your links is so important, because it truly can improve your ranking. Today, we’re going to explain how you can do exactly that.

What is Link Tracking?

Before delving right into the thick of things, it makes sense to explain what link tracking actually is.

These days, you might use a downloadable link tracker app in order to keep tabs on your online activity. It’s very simply the act of being able to track the amount of clicks your link gets – whether that be a blog, website, or on social media. If you have banner advertisements, it’s also a great way of checking how many clicks they attract too. 

It’s a great way of acquiring accurate analytics for your marketing campaign, and to assess how affective it is overall. This way, you can assess what’s working and where you can improve as well as being safe in the knowledge that you know what works well and can stick to that.

Very simply, that’s link tracking summed up. Now let’s take a look at how it helps, and what you can do to improve your ranking.

You can Assess Your Link Quality

Generally speaking, the better quality a link is, the more trustworthy it is. 

In order to gain the custom of clients, you also have to gain their trust. They have to know that you know what you’re talking about, and that the information you’re sharing is legitimate. Only then are they likely to revisit your social media page/website on another occasion.

The great think about link trackers, is you can see which links have attracted the most attention – and likely some of those clicks are revisits. This enables you to be able to assess the quality of the link you’ve shared that’s proven popular, alongside one that is possibly ranked less. Only by comparing these can you really see what it is your target audience enjoy reading and revisiting.

You Can Rehash Your Marketing Techniques

Everyone knows that in order to get your business page, social media page, or whatever else you’re working on to gain popularity, is by coming up with a well thought out and successful marketing campaign.

Initial marketing campaigns can be difficult. Only by failing, sometimes, do we learn – particularly when it comes to marketing. It can be so easy to think that general advertising is enough for a marketing campaign, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Marketing is all about pinpointing precisely who your niche audience is, and targeting them directly. You need to have an idea of this before you start, however it’s important to remember not to generalise.

In order to really know what content your target audience are really interested in a link tracker can be extremely useful. Only by using these can you really take note of what content gets the most attention from the right people, and therefore know what to post in the future in order to up your rankings.

You Can Change the Placement of Your Links Accordingly

Last of all, but by no means least, the placement of your links has a direct impact on how high they rank.

This can be a little bit of trial and error. You can do all of the research in the world and place your links in what you think is the “right” place, but the internet and its users can always surprise you!

By using a link tracker, you’ll be able to see which links attracted the most clicks, dependant on where they were placed – whether it be on social media forums, business websites or other.

Generally speaking, link tracking allows you to assess and reassess how your approach to upping your search engine ranking. Surely, that’s no bad thing, right?

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