How to Increase Blog Traffic: Feature Other Bloggers

Life is good.

Over the years, I planted the seeds for driving blog traffic by featuring other bloggers via quick snippets on my blog.

Many of these rocking, successful bloggers became my friends.

Said friends promote me tirelessly, around the clock, from all corners of the globe.


I tapped into a powerful, passive form of driving blog traffic: featuring other bloggers.

This sounds counter-intuitive to many bloggers who just want to promote themselves. But if you feature other bloggers through a quick mention on your blog posts you will add value to your posts (traffic booster here) plus make friends with a growing army of bloggers who will promote you in return, increasing your blog traffic.

Even if you do not make friends with the bloggers you mention it still makes sense to continue featuring other bloggers. This helps you let go the need of looking for something in return plus adds credibility to your blog posts. In the long run, you never know who or how you will connect with blogging big dawgs, so keep shouting them out.


Look at the featured image for this post.

I grabbed a screen share where I featured a few top bloggers on Blogging From Paradise.

Why It Works

This strategy works to boost your blog traffic because it taps into the concept of reciprocity.

Give someone a shout out. That someone tends to want to help you too.

If you feature someone via a quick hitter or 2 sentence snippet and then alert the individual most of these bloggers will appreciate your shout out. You did not have to feature them, so they will dig the free promotion.

This appreciation manifests itself in many ways, whether a return short feature snippet, or perhaps an interview, or maybe you will be invited to guest post on their blog.

Friendships form. Bloggers bond. Through cross-promoting each other both of your blogs see an increase in traffic.

Quick Snippets

No need to do a full length feature. Of course, interviews or guest post opportunities are appreciated but you can simply mention a fellow blogger via a quick hitter, directing your readers to visit their blog or perhaps a specific blog post.

This is an intelligent way to give someone props while planting the seeds for a long term friendship.

Add relevant links. Make sure linking is natural to keep your blog post flowing smoothly and to give your newfound and old blogging buddies the attention they deserve.

Build Bonds

Building bonds is the name of the blog networking game.

Take prolific blogger deluxe Christoper Jan Benitez, often seen in about 13 million places in the blogging tips niche.

We have been mentioning one another and promoting one another here and there over the years but recently he reached out to offer me a guest posting opportunity on his blog. Being grounded in appreciation, I gobbled up the opportunity instantly.

When I think of star bloggers to follow – for this post – he is one of the first bloggers I think of to mention here

As we build our bond, and our friendship grows, can’t you just see how we are both increasing each other’s traffic through mentioning one another and helping each other in as many ways as possible?


No losses in the bond building game.

Stop Trying to Drive Traffic on Your Own

Stop doing the solo act.

Trying to paste your link in 100 places is foolish.

Making friends with 100 bloggers is the smart way to drive blog traffic.

This method is effective too. By putting in the friendship-building legwork now you will reap rocking benefits over the long term.

Just today alone I spotted some 6 interviews, guest posts or features where I am being featured, which popped up on my social media accounts.

Add in older posts that are circulating and you have a steady flow of increasing, targeted traffic heading to Blogging From Paradise.

Many folks who featured me, or invited me to guest post on their blogs were individuals whom I featured on my blog or through my guest posts over the years.


I filmed a short video at a stunning Upper West Side Manhattan apartment today.

Watch as I explain how this concept of featuring other bloggers will increase your blog traffic:

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