How to Know It’s Time to Update Your Landing Page

Two or three years ago, you launched a landing page. It worked fine. Customers came and returned, conversion rates were sky-high, and sales from it satisfied your marketing ambitions. But then… poof! Things slowed down. Conversions fall. So does your profit. You wonder, “What’s going on? A market grows, but a client goes? Something’s got to give, no?”


One way or another, Google Analytics—or whatever instrument you use to control and measure your marketing campaigns—sends a signal that “something didn’t go as planned,” but how do you know if it’s your landing page screaming for change?

In this blog, I’ll describe moments that help us, as marketers, understand if we need to update landing pages for better conversion.

Consider updating if:

1) Competitors Copy You

Fast and loose competitors, I mean.

If your landing page is comprehensive and engaging, they will find it. Competitor analysis is what marketers do, so one doesn’t have to be a genius to estimate your content and design strength. But instead of creating their own pages, some competitors may copy yours with the hopes of achieving immediate results.

Especially, if they work in the same niche and can hire freelancers to duplicate your web page.

If you notice a dip in your conversions, the chances are someone has copied your landing page, launched the same ad campaign, and has stolen your customers’ loyalty. To check if that’s true, you can use plagiarism detectors: insert the text of your landing page to see if it has been copied and went live somewhere besides your website.

Once you find duplicates, it’s a definite signal to update the content of your landing page.

2) Competitors Do It Better

Honest competitors analyze your marketing activities and try to improve upon them.

They analyze your backlinks, visit your website, read your sales copy, examine your web design, and say to themselves, “Hmm, nice. We need the same thing, but it should be even better than this one. Let’s do it!”

So, if your landing page looks like this:

And you see that competitors looks like this (Hint: it’s the same landing page after update):

Then your low conversion rate is nothing to be surprised about. Update your landing page so it could provide healthy competition on the market. Add more benefits for consumers, improve content usability, or consider the marketing psychology behind your customer’s decision-making process.

3) Customers Have Got Used to It

And they leave it for something updated.

If you launched a landing page two or three years ago and lately noticed a drop in conversion rates from month to month, the chances are most target customers had visited it or even ordered from it already. And now, while visiting your website, they think:

“Oh, I’ve been there already. Maybe, I should check out a few more places? There must be better offers somewhere…”

Your potential customers continue searching in hopes of more attractive offers, and more attractive websites. They want something new.

Take a second to think: how could you update your landing page to entice new customers and retain existing customers? Dig deeper. Learn what your customers need right now and decide on insights you could use to engage your target audience.

4) Your Landing Page Was Cut-and-Dried From the Beginning

Some entrepreneurs want to test their product before going all out on marketing campaigns. They order cheap and cut-and-dried landing pages from freelance “specialists” who are, quite frankly, not very good.

The result: no customers and no growth opportunities.

If you’ve tested and made sure your product/service is poised for growth, it’s time to design a landing page that would allow you to stand out and encourage consumers to buy from you. Cutting corners when it comes to marketing efforts can be detrimental to your future growth, but it’s not too late to recover.

5) You Know You Can Do Better

Yes, it happens. You look at your landing page, read the content, check your analytics, examine your visitor’s behavior, and understand there’s room for improvement.

When such thoughts run through your mind, it’s time to update.

As a marketer, you know your audience’s needs and the latest trends in your industry. Determine what your landing page lacks, put your ideas into practice, consult with savvy copywriters and designers, and don’t forget about A/B testing.

Don’t let your landing page stagnate for a long time.

No Landing Page Can Stay Effective Forever

There will always be something to update because the market is constantly growing, new products and services appear, competitors forge ahead, and users look for more profitable and comfortable ways to solve their problems.

What we, as marketers, can do is analyze and take all these details into consideration when creating and updating our sales instruments.

Have you recently experienced a drop in conversions that might be attributed to your landing page? What might you implement from this blog to solve your landing page woes? Tell me about your plans in the comments.

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