Video Marketing and Blogging

How to Launch an Effective Video Marketing Strategy

There are so many ways to make money online, and the internet has allowed people to cash in by selling products, advertising space, and launching marketing videos. But, the growth of the internet has also caused a lot more competition for people online so for you to stand out, you need to become very creative. I think it all comes down to three very important things.

First, the quality of your content needs to outperform all others in your niche. Google ranks websites on engagement, and high-quality content get’s enormous engagement. Secondly, your marketing strategy and your ability to tap into different traffic sources. Third, how well you can convert the visitor traffic coming to your website into buying customers. If your able to do all three, then you’ll be very successful online, and can make a lot of money doing what you love.

Today, we’ll be exploring a growing trend online, and that’s video marketing. The growth can be attributed to the popularity of video networks like YouTube, and how easy you can implement videos on your blog because of creative plugins. Let’s get started.

Know Your Audience

For you to create the perfect video, and one which engages your readers, you need to know your audience. By knowing what type of content, and products they resonate with, you’ll be able to create videos which cater to their needs. I hope by now you have Google Analytics installed on your website because this will provide all the statistics you need for free. For example, through Google Analytics, you can find out about –

  • The type of content your current readers love to read
  • Time on your website
  • Where they are coming from
  • Who referred them to your website
  • And other custom data you want to gather

Once you know your audience, you’ll be able to create a video which converts well with your readers.

Understand Importance of Video Marketing

The only way you’ll put effort into video marketing is when you understand what it can do for your brand. For example, one mistake I made was collecting email subscribers 1 year after starting my website. I made this mistake because I didn’t understand the importance of email marketing, and what it can do for my brand. Think about video marketing the same way, and understand what it can do for your brand, products, and exposure. Start by learning about the rise of video marketing, and how other companies are using it to sell products.

After, you can thin about how video marketing can benefit your brand, and what it can do for you long-term.


For your video marketing to be successful, you need to appeal to all those mobile users. Think about how many people use their mobile phones to download information, and watch videos. Check out this infographic on the growth of mobile marketing, and how it’s changed the way we market products and services. Every time, I’m putting together a marketing campaign, I’ll think about mobile users first then actually PC users because so many of my readers are mobile users.

In the end, your mission should be to create a video which caters to every type of user on every type of device i.e tablets, phones, and PCs.  

Testing & Budgeting

These go together because I recommend taking the first 30 days to test out your marketing strategy. This will allow you to adjust to your video marketing without spending too much money. Once you know what works, you can increase your budget, and slowly continue to make smaller changes. In order for you to stay within your budget, I encourage you to set a marketing budget and daily cap. Next, I recommend you document changes as you go through them so you know what’s been changed, and what has to be tweaked.

Final Thoughts on Creating an Effective Video Marketing Strategy

Video marketing is huge and can build your brand awareness quickly. However, for it to be effective, you need to make sure you use the following strategy above. Start slow and implement changes where you feel they will increase your overall conversion rate.

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