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Surrounding yourself with loving, supportive, heart-centered bloggers accelerates your online success.

But doing so requires pruning from time to time.

Bloggers who appeared to be loving and generous may be cool folks overall but when some fear-pain arises, it is time to go.

10 minutes ago I posted an image to social media. A few of my dear friends commented how the dudes in the photo are likely loaded. I agreed. 1 friend made a racist joke and followed up with a homophobic joke. I deleted both comments.

1 minute later he warned me not to anger certain blogging markets aka nations. I deleted the comment and blocked him on Facebook.

Most compassionate thing to do; you do not kick a scared dog (debate or fight them). In the same breath, if you try to reach in and hug ’em, a wounded dog snaps out in fear (more flippant comments). Nope. You let them be. Social media wise, letting them be is achieved by blocking because both parties have zero interaction. Compassionate thing to do.

But beyond the block I just pruned my blogger friend network by 1 person. Well-meaning blogger methinks and I wish him well but as I expand my reach and move higher in blogging circles I am tightening my friend circles to include only bloggers who live from an energy of:

  • love
  • harmony
  • inclusion
  • generosity

I have compassion for folks whose pain and fear manifests as racism, homophobic views, the illusion of pride and all fear-based energies not in a loving vibe, but it is not my job or duty to help them face, feel and release these fears. Especially when they are in the “I am looking for a fight and am angry because I am in pain” mode. I lived in that mode. For years. No curing it until you own it, and you know when owned because you will live from harmony, love, whole-ness, and you’ll be largely void of fear, and totally void of fighting.

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Spot Red Flags Immediately

I had a casual connection with said blogger for years. A good guy overall and generous, skilled blogger.

But even good folks get das block boot if showing racist and homophobic bends, because each is a heavy fear, and my tight blogging circle is filled with love, not fear and pain. Nothing personal. Just an energy thing.

Again, most folks are excellent human beings but also have deep fears, manifesting as weird activities. So honor red flags and release these blogging buddies immediately to make room for more loving, prospering, heart-centered folks.

Act on Red Flags Immediately

I deleted 3 comments and blocked ’em within a few minutes. No delaying when it comes to keeping my circle tight, ‘aight.

Block ’em

No floundering guys. Even if someone is having a moment, you know if it’s a moment or a rift-builder. The comments show; we are heading in opposite directions, compassion-wise and friendship-wise. Pull off the band-aid fast. Move on smiling. Act on red flags immediately.

Acting on red flags means:

  • blocking on social media
  • junking emails or labeling as spam
  • ceasing contact going forward

Simple and sometimes uncomfortable I know; all gets easier with practice.

Observe Top Heart-Centered Bloggers for Shining Examples

After attending Affiliate Summit East last week, not once have I seen these blogging icons say anything remotely nasty, vicious on uncaring on social media or through their blogs. These blogging big dawgs only surround themselves with successful, harmonious, hearth centered folks too.

Tightening your blogger friend circle like top heart-centered pros gives you clarity and confidence to prune your blogger friend network too.

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Bonus Point

A former blogging buddies’ take on the world is their projection, meaning it speaks 100% about how they see themselves and 0% about you. Knowing this also makes the release easier.

Wrapping it Up

Blogging buddies come and go. Part of moving up in circles my blogging sweetlings.

Be quick to release worn out friendships pronto to tighten your circles and to accelerate your blogging success.


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