How to Make Money with Email Marketing in 2019 (9 Expert Tips)

ant to make money with email marketing? It’s frustrating to work hard at email marketing only to get no clicks or sales.

But don’t worry, there’s hope! In this article, I’ll tell you how to run a successful email marketing campaign that converts by following just 9 easy tips.

Are you ready? Let’s begin.

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Before we jump in to the email conversion optimization tips, let’s look at some background info to make sure we’re on the same page.

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a strategy in which you reach out to a large group of targeted audience via email to promote your products and services. Your emails may be about an upcoming sale, a new launch, a special offer or anything related to your business.

The idea mainly is to create brand awareness and build loyalty and trust by reaching out to people via email.

In the section below, I’ll tell you how to make your email marketing campaign a big success, even if you’re just getting started with email marketing.

1. Start With a Targeted List

Your campaign should begin by building a targeted email list. Without a list, you can’t even start your campaign.

The best way to collect emails is to convert your visitors into subscribers. But how do you do that? Because not all your visitors may be willing to signup and become a subscriber.

Many successful email marketers have used and achieved great results by using an exit-intent popup to turn abandoning website visitors into subscribers. Exit-intent popups are strategically designed to appear on your user’s screen as soon as they try to leave your site or open a new tab.

For example, this simple popup generated 967 new leads for Singularity University:

2. Set a Goal for Your Campaign

Do you know why you are running this campaign? Because if you don’t have a specific goal in mind, then stop right now. Take a break and think about what action you want your subscribers to take.

You might set a goal to…

  • increase sales by promoting a product or service
  • nurture existing subscribers by offering them something they would love
  • attract your existing subscriber’s attention after long inactivity
  • segment your subscribers to send out more targeted emails

You don’t necessarily need to have the exact same goals. You can have your own list based on your conversion goals.

2. Work on Your Headline

Once you have figured out why you want this campaign, its time to draft your email. The first thing that users will notice about your email is your subject line.

That’s where the actual game begins. Draft a headline that is so powerful that people just can’t ignore it.

Remember, it’s your headline that’ll decide whether your email will be opened, deleted or even worse, land in the spam folder.

3. Write an Engaging Email

So your title convinced your follower to open the email. Now what? If they don’t read something persuasive, you might lose their attention.

To prevent that from happening, you can follow these tips:

  • Use persuasive writing. Make sure to ask the reader to take one specific action.
  • Keep your sentences and paragraphs short. That way your readers will find it easy to understand your message without losing interest.
  • Build a connection with the readers. You can do that with the tone of your writing. Always make use of first-person when you are writing your emails. This lets your readers feel that you are having a conversation directly with the reader.
  • Personalize the email by using the reader’s name. Using their name in the email can make them feel like the email was written specifically for them. This can help you grab their attention really quick.
  • Finally, be relevant and precise. People don’t have time for long emails. Plus, they are boring. So don’t waste time talking about unnecessary things. Stick to your point and pass the message quickly.

4. Use Psychology to Boost Clicks

If you want your email marketing copy to convert, try using the game of psychology as part of your strategy. You don’t need a psychology degree for this. Just make use of basic psychology to predict your user’s behavior.

You can make people take quick action on your site by using urgency. For example, you can use a countdown timer to make them feel that their time is running out and the sale will end soon.

Or you can use time-sensitive power words that grab quick attention.

Another way to draw attention is to show that your product might run out of stock. So here, you can use scarcity to promote action. People will take quicker action rather than waiting for later because they don’t want to miss the chance.

5. Use an Effective Design

The next important step to consider is the design of your copy. Do your best to make it look professional.

The best email service providers like Constant Contact offer beautiful professionally-designed templates that convert well.

Thirdly, pay attention to your CTAs. Choose the right words, color and size for your buttons to make them appealing and actionable.

6. Reward Your Readers

Sometimes it’s good to give away free stuff, instead of selling all the time. It can be a free download, free tips, advice or anything of that kind.

This encourages the reader to take action. Because naturally, we are all fond of free stuff.

Check out this guide to running a successful online giveaway to get started.

7. Try Upselling

A great way to make some extra money with email marketing is by upselling your products or services.

This is a popular method, where you very smartly persuade your user to make an additional purchase.

For example, you are selling out a product for $20. You can convince your user to spend JUST an extra dollar to get an upgraded quality of the same product.

Another effective way to make money with email marketing is to cross-sell related products. By using this technique you can convince your user to spend some extra money by purchasing an additional product of their interest.

For example, let’s say you are using your email marketing campaign to sell lip-balm to your users and have successfully convinced them to make the purchase.

Once the payment is done, you can send an automated email that recommends a related product that you’re selling, like a hand lotion. Because the buyer is interested in the lip balm, chances are that they will be interested in buying lotion, too.

9. Send and Followup

The final step is to hit the send button. But that’s not it. Sometimes your followers will not take action just by reading your email. So don’t forget to followup.

Wait for a day or 2 after sending out the email. After that, you can send a quick followup mail to your subscribers. This acts as a gentle reminder and it increases the chance of people actually taking action.

Those were some quick tips for your next email marketing campaign. Do let us know if there’s something else that can be useful to our readers.

Meanwhile, you can read about some of the best email marketing service providers that you can opt for.

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