How To Market You Website With SEO

How To Market You Website With SEO

How to keep web visitors for longer

When an entrepreneur sets up a bar, he will not want customers to piss and leave. It is not for that that he has invested his time and money. Although the first step is to call customer service and get them to access our store, what really interests us is that it consumes, the more the better, and if we can make it come back we will often have loyalty to a customer. We want a happy customer.

But to get to this point it is not enough to “be”, we will have to work it out. We will do it by keeping our bar clean, with personalized attention, promoting items, etc. We will definitely take care of different aspects that make the king of the mambo feel the client. And we will see the results in the daily box.

And if in our bar we can track in real-time the behavior of our visitors, we can also measure the actions of our users through Google analytics.

Bounce rate

However, it is important that you know what this bounce rate is about: it is the percentage of visits that enter your website, spend more than a few seconds on it, or enter and leave. For example, a 50% rate means that of every 100 visits, half left without entering another page of your site and in record time. The lower the bounce rate on your website, the higher.

And, precisely to get quality traffic, that is, for our visitor to come back, feel at ease and consume our content, I am going to propose a few techniques or strategies to apply to our site.

1.- Quality contents

typewriter It seems obvious, and yet the phoenix web design agency is full of content that does not provide any value worth considering. I am not at all in favor of creating content without minimally elaborating and vomiting them to the web in search of normally ephemeral visitors.

Many of the factors involved in the quality of our content will be discussed in some points of this post. Basically, write about something you know, always document and generate original content that adds value.

2.- Clean design

quotes Although the content is important, it is no less how it is presented. Visitors decide in seconds if they remain or leave your page, and a chaotic design makes that decision very easy.

Eliminate unnecessary distractions from your page, such as mindless animations, unnecessary widgets, etc., and look for simplicity; Your visitor will appreciate it.

Use the spaces to give air to your texts. Margins and fillings around the elements of your page will help create a pleasant visual impact. Flee from the excessive concentration of content.

3.- Fast loading of your page

rocket cargo-web-fastOptimize you’re website so that the load is fast. Surely you have spent a lot of time generating that content but many of your visitors will not give this content a chance if they are not loaded immediately. Check out this post to get some ideas on how to optimize your website.

4.- Add indicators that generate credibility

Resume-image Depending on the characteristics of your website, it may be a good idea to include indicators that reinforce the confidence in the information you offer. Some proposals:

Testimonials Most users are influenced by the opinions of other users. So including testimonials from satisfied customers will increase confidence in your site, especially if you sell a product or service. But don’t be cheater, fooling your visitors with false testimonies will turn against you sooner than you can imagine.

Introduce yourself with a “Who I am” type section where you can explain your knowledge and why they should trust you or your company.

Another strategy that can work is to make visible the people who follow you on social networks, facebook, twitter, google +, etc. Eye, do it only if you have enough followers if not, it could have the opposite effect.

5.- Improve readability

icono-typography Legibility, especially if your site has many contents, is essential for your visitors to take advantage of them. Some of these tricks may be useful:

Clean backgrounds: Although sometimes it may be justified, it is usually not convenient to distract the user with backgrounds with images, patterns or colors that do not contribute anything interesting. In most cases, a white background is a good option.

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Use a readable font. If you use a complex typeface that is not easy to read, you are contributing to the development of the pharmaceutical industry by promoting the use of headache pain relievers (from your visitors). So, use easy-to-read fonts and a sufficiently large size that allows you to read your content correctly on any device.

Structure your content. Use the headings (h1, h2, h3 …) correctly to organize your content. Use lightly heavy paragraphs, lists or bullets when necessary. Bold or italic can also help reinforce ideas, ultimately use the resources you have to get consistent and readable texts. In this way, in addition to contributing to the visitor not getting lost among your texts, you will be improving the SEO Tempe AZ of your website.

6.- Reinforce concepts with internal links to other contents of your website

If the contents of your blog or website deal with a certain topic, which is to be assumed, surely you can reinforce ideas expressed in your articles with others developed also in other posts on your own website. Take advantage of them by creating internal links that will surely enrich your content.

7.- Open the external URLs in a new window

new-window-web-icon Linking to internal pages is not the only way to increase the quality of your content. The content offered by external links that you provide can (and should) show interesting additional information and reinforce what you are trying to explain.

However, if you do not make external links open in a new window, you will be losing connection with your visitor to generate traffic to another website that is not yours.

8.- Keep the contents updated

Many of your articles are likely to be updated. If you have created a tutorial and it turns out that the software has evolved, it makes no sense to keep a post that has become obsolete. A good idea is to also update the content, although sometimes it is not only for this reason. It may be interesting to add a pdf that reinforces the contents, or a video that adds value and facilitates the understanding of what is stated in your article, etc.

9.- Interact with your visitors

Offer supplementary material attached, activate comments and reply to all. Returning to the example with which the article began, customers of your bar will feel increasingly identified if you know them and take care of them, if you inform them and recommend them…

Interacting with your visitors will give you more knowledge about their preferences and will allow you to focus your web objectives with greater precision.

10.- Optimize site for mobile devices

Today, more than 60 percent of users use their tablets or mobile phone to surf the web. Not having a website that suits any device is to create a huge exit door for your users to other websites. Your website must be accessible from any device; Moreover, it must not only be accessible but also must provide a simple, practical and fast navigation that enhances optimal user experience.

11.- Monitor your 404s

error-404-iconic Another factor that you should keep in mind is that the visitor does not find himself with the unpleasant surprise that when he clicks on a link he will find that this page does not exist. The best way to combat this problem is not to have it (heh, heh).

It seems obvious, but if you stay alert and regularly check that all the pages of your website are where they should be, you will avoid being affected by your positioning and you will avoid annoying your visitor.

12.- Do not take anything for granted

We are all very smart and dominate our field of action more than anyone else. Also, the more technical (and pedantic), we get, the cooler will think who reads to me that I am. Fuck, this guy knows what!

Well serious mistake, there is put in the skin of a user who starts on the subject you are dealing with. If you start reading concepts that you do not understand, you will need time to close your website. It will go to another that explains it better. Advanced users will simply skip what they already know and go directly to the contents that interest them.

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13.- Experience multimedia

Take advantage of the advantages provided by multimedia content, but do not abuse. A video can be an excellent ally to complement the information. Or to reinforce a tutorial. Podcasts, short audios integrated into our pages, can also enrich our content.

In short, the introduction of video, audio, 3D, animations and other multimedia elements will favor the user experience as long as they are inserted consistently and in a carefully planned manner.

14.- Create related links

We have already spoken before creating links to content that are on our website to reinforce certain concepts throughout the post. We can increase your efficiency by creating at the end of our article a list of articles related to the topic specifically addressed.

You can do it manually or use a plugin that facilitates that work and select those related articles based on the categories or labels, for example. There are a lot and good. As I have commented on other occasions, you must be cautious when selecting and using plugins on your site.

15.- Do not be invasive

Yes, we already know that many bloggers live on advertising, affiliate programs and so on. It is understood. But from there to turn a web into a nightmare of overlapping messages, panels that add to you and constant interruptions, I think it is excessive.

Something like: Download my magic PDF and you will win a pastón in 5 minutes! And in 90% of the cases, the PDF is shit like a house copied from another website. But they already have your email …

Parliament, I prefer to visit websites that are not very invasive and that respect the user more. Surely you can find similar or better information without causing a headache.

I hate invasive websites! Noticeable?

16.- Do not cheat, meet visitor expectations

Well, in part, this point is related to the previous section. They sell you something that differs a lot from what you later find.

For example, a website that sells SEO optimization and you check that your Google pages page score is 30 out of 100.

Or a guy who sells you how to lose 20 kilos in 2 weeks. Or how to learn WordPress in 5 minutes. Anyway, you understand. Be honest.

17.- Offers infographics

Infographics help us understand processes at a glance. Creating a summary of the steps in a tutorial, or similar, can be a good option.


In addition, as it is usually an image or PDF document or standard format, they can be easily downloaded and spread quickly through social networks or other blogs, an always interesting option.

18.- Optimize your images

optimize-images-icon In section 3 we talked about the importance of our pages loading fast. Well, possibly optimizing your images is the most important point to get it. Not optimizing your images is the most widespread error on the web. If we did an analysis of all the pages, surely in a 90% we would find some optimization problems related to the images.

19.- Responsive design

Responsive-iconoIt is important that our page adapts to the width available on the device being viewed, whether mobile, tablet, desktop, etc.

Today, almost all premium themes facilitate responsive design, that is, adaptable to all devices without creating specific versions for each case.

Obviously, if a user cannot see your website correctly, for example, from his mobile phone, he will leave it immediately.

20.- Measure your results in google analytics

analytic-web-icons There are many web analytics tools that can help us recognize strengths to exploit or weaknesses to correct. The most widespread is undoubtedly the one provided by Google: Google analytics.

It is not about becoming professional analysts, but it is certainly a source of knowledge about the behavior of our very interesting website. This knowledge will enable us to offer our visitors what they are looking for. It will allow us to know your preferences and understand how they navigate and interact on our site.

Surely you have some more advice to offer to keep our visitors more time. Do you tell us?

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