How to Match Your Key Metrics to Your Content Goals

How to Match Your Key Metrics to Your Content Goals

Content marketing is a key component of any successful marketing strategy.

Just look at GE.

The company joined forces with BuzzFeed to develop branded content, and most people who saw it perceived GE as “inspiring,” “creative,” and “innovative,” leading to a 138% brand lift on social.

But marketers can realize results like those and see how content initiatives affect them only if they’re able to track metrics consistently.

Fully 38% of marketers say measuring content effectiveness is one of their biggest challenges. Only 39% of content marketers say they’re at least somewhat successful at tracking ROI, and just 8% say they’re “very” or “extremely” successful.

But before marketers can determine which metrics they should use to track ROI, they have to know both why they’re measuring results (the reason—the goal) and how each metric ties to that overarching goal.

So, whether you’re focusing primarily on SEO, lead generation, or thought leadership, read on to learn which metrics you should track to monitor content marketing success.


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