How to Reach a Wider Audience with SEO in 7 Simple Steps

Are you up to date with the latest news on the hot topic?

I’m talking about the feature that determines your website’s success: Your SEO rating.

This is a hot topic because there is debate about whether it’s even relevant anymore.

Don’t let skeptics cause you to follow the wrong tactics. If you have a website and you want it to serve a purpose you must acquire a high SEO rating.

If you make sure your website is optimized for search engines you will get large amounts of traffic directed there. But it’s not only about numbers.

The traffic will actually be relevant to your business if you do it right.

Imagine someone searches for orange. It doesn’t help if Google or Bing send people in search of fruit to you when you actually sell orange paint.

You can have a source of clients with all the characteristics you desire: Quantity, quality, and relevance.

How can you reach such a wider audience?

These few steps will instantly improve your SEO rating so you reach a wider audience.

Is Your Site Different?

You want your website to rate high when measured by search engines’ algorithms.

Part of your rating is determined by the value you offer. Is your site more valuable than your competitors?

How Are You Different?

Search engine optimization is focused on making your site different from others.

If you excel in e-commerce features you offer more value than someone else. If you have information visitors need you’re different than low-quality websites.

The interaction between these features will register on your website. Search engines take note of this and know people enjoy visiting your site.

How is Your Competitor’s Site Different?

You can research how your competitors are different. This gives you an indication of what you need to improve on.

Visit your competitor’s’ pages. Imagine you’re a client in search of a product. Ask yourself:

  • How easy is it to find this product?
  • How much information are you given?
  • What about the page’s layout do you like?

Now you know why your competitors may be thriving. Improve in these areas and your website will be even better.

Is Your Site Relevant?

This step relates to what your clients expect to find on your website.

Make sure the landing pages of your website offer this relevant information immediately. People love decorating their websites with gimmicks and splash pages. The reality is that people don’t want to waste their time. They usually navigate to sites that offer relevant information rather than entertainment.

Is your content in line with what people want to know? Google quickly picks up when people simply navigate away from your site.

Prevent this by researching your target audience’s needs and provide that.

Your content must meet these requirements so people stay on your website longer.

Is Your Site Important?

It’s amazing the roles mathematic equations play in SEO. Apart from your site’s relevance, algorithms even determine if your information is important.

The more important your information is, the higher its rating is.

Imagine your blog reports news about celebrities. Yesterday you posted a blog about a celebrity scandal. This is relevant to your readers. Unfortunately, yesterday’s news is less important than today’s. Today has its own scandals people want to know about. If your blog only reported on yesterday’s news your website won’t rate so high today.

Do you know what your readers find important?

Determine and Use Keywords

Search engines look for keywords. Are you using the correct ones on your website?

People search for websites by typing in words. This is a central feature of SEO. The only way your website can be matched to someone’s inquiry is if you use the words potential clients type in, and synonyms of those words.

This can seem daunting. You have to incorporate the words and word combinations people may use to connect with your business.

Why not exchange daunting for exciting?

If you find out how people talk about your business and products it can improve your entire marketing process.

Use the handy online tools that show you what words people generally use such as:

  • HubSpot
  • SEMrush
  • Google Trends

Now all you have to do is use these keywords in your website’s content.

This process requires some skill because search engines also require quality written content. It’s wise to employ copywriters and SEO specialists to help you do it right.

Specify Your Language

Your website may be accessible to anyone around the globe. People from various countries may type in the same keywords. Who do you want to notice your website?

This is especially vital for e-commerce sites servicing various communities.

You may have one website in German and another Spanish. Include these specifications in your website’s’ settings.

Search engines want to connect users with sites they will understand. They will pick your German version for internet users identified as German. Make it easy for the engines to find you.

Specify Countries

The same principle applies if you develop websites for people from different countries.

Most likely you will customize each website in terms of language, culture and money. You want your clients to land on the site that will be most beneficial and relevant to them.

Note these details in your IP settings so search engines can easily connect people from different countries with the correct sites.

Supply Your Audience’s Mobile Needs

Remember the internet doesn’t only exist on computers.

The number of people who browse via Smartphones increases daily. You have to cater for their needs as well.

Mobile browsers may have slightly different requirements than customers seated at their desks.

When I’m browsing for a vendor while traveling, I may want to drive there directly. Geotagging and other unique details are vital for your website’s mobile SEO.

When search engines realize Smartphone visitors enjoy navigating through your site, they will boost your rankings.

Are you up to the task? Are you ready to overhaul your website so it brings you more traffic? Remember it’s not simply about numbers. You want the right people to find, notice and visit your website. Make it easy for search engines to connect you with your clientele. Through SEO a much wider audience gets within your reach.

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