How to Steadily Increase Blog Traffic Offline by Chatting Up Strangers

I used to be The King of Blog Commenting.

My schedule these days does not warrant my 5 paragraph, in-depth, blog comment whoppers.

Too busy promoting my eBook, publishing posts to Blogging From Paradise and guest posting to craft these types of comments.

I still comment regularly on blogs from a genuine, abundant energy. Said comments grow my online business too.

Yesterday I received a message from a travel blogger who bought my eBook. How did I connect with her? Through blog commenting of course.

Why An Online Business Builder?

Commenting on blogs:

  • drives new business to your blog via clicks courtesy of interested readers
  • build friendships between bloggers; blogging buddies promote you, endorse you, hire you and buy your stuff, growing your online business

I laugh when some bloggers say blog commenting is a waste of time. Any medium through which you share value and make friends is not a waste of time. Me being featured on Virgin, Forbes, Fox News and Entrepreneur was partly due to my genuine blog commenting campaign.

Follow these tips to grow your online business through blog commenting.

1: Comment on Popular Blogs in Your Niche

Comment in front of prying eyes. Comment before a high volume of folks.

Publish blog comments on popular blogs in your niche.

Get some online business building bang for your blog commenting buck.

Sure you can publish comments on lesser known or off topic blogs but do this only a few times daily. No sense speaking to small, non-targeted audiences when you can increase your exposure in front of large, targeted audiences.

2: Publish Personalized Comments

Use blogger names in blog comments.

My name sounds awesome to me. If someone drops my name in comments it shows they care enough to learn and use my name, to address me properly.

Personalizing blog comments makes you stand out from the crowd of mindless bloggers who publish generic comments.

3: Write Helpful Comments

Comment to help.

Even though I generally publish 3-5 sentence comments these days I jam-pack helpful pointers related to the post into the short, sweet but valuable comments.

Go in-depth or simply write a thoughtful paragraph sharing your insights. Add content to the blog post through your comment to help fellow bloggers and readers.

4: Comment Persistently

Comment at least once weekly on blogs.

Be a persistent presence.

Friendships and traffic and online businesses grow through persistent, genuine blog commenting.

5: Avoid Drive-By Comments

You and I know dry-by comments well:

  • “hey great post”
  • “nice post”
  • “the author knows his information”

Generic comments flow from mindless, careless individuals who could care less about you but certainly care about building a backlink to their blogs.

Refer to at least 1 point made in the blog post. Break down that point. Get a discussion going while showing off your knowledge.

People seek informed, mindful, compassion bloggers. People buy from or hire informed, mindful, compassion bloggers. Show off your knowledge and care through genuine, helpful, personalized blog comments.

6: Do Not Advertise Your Online Business through Comments

Sometimes people try to advertise their online business through comments on my guest posts.

Big time mistake guys.

Bloggers see any direct promotion of business as spam. Meaning the comment winds up in the spam or trash folder.

Show off what you know, not what you want to promote. Be helpful. Comment to serve and bond with bloggers.

Wrap Up

Be patient.

Growing business through blog commenting takes time but this is time well spent.

I have spoken at NYU about blogging and have appeared on world famous websites through the power of blog commenting.

Build your online business through this largely ignored medium.

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