How to Use QR Code Generator API for App or Website

How to Use QR Code Generator API for App or Website

QR Codes has come a long way offering multiple benefits to businesses around the globe. Not long ago, these codes were considered just a mere data-sharing technique to provide extensive information about retail products. Today, you’ll see them in almost every industry. From education to health to retail to digital marketing, they’ve become an important part of the marketing world.

Do you own a restaurant, a retail store, or a small
business? If so, there are greater chances that you’ve also set up a business
website to target customers globally, right? And if you haven’t been marketing
your products through a website or App, you’re already a step behind your competitors.

Before buying a product or using a service, people are most
likely to research it online, find more information, and determine if its worth
to spend their hard-earned money. This is where QR codes come in handy.

Wouldn’t it be easier for people to know about your business
if a QR code is available beside each of your product? Your targeted audience
can just scan the code and learn more about the product/service. Sounds good?

A QR Code Generator
with a logo
like QRzebra not only lets you customize your QR code per your
brand or theme, its API also lets you integrate the QR codes directly on your
website or App. Setting aside dozens of other benefits, the QRzebra API to integrate them on your
business website makes it certainly the best choice to attract new customers,
build trust, and utilize the complete potential of your business.

Some benefits of integrating QR codes on your website or app
are as follows:

Track data

We live in a time
where data has become more important then ever, with dynamic QR codes you can
track data as location, time, device and how may people scan. Important data to
understand your customer behavior.

Bulk Information

Sometimes, when there isn’t much space available on a
landing page of your website/app, you can integrate a QR code to provide more
information about a particular product. In simple words, you’re attaching a new
landing page associated with the product/service.

Less Cost

Say goodbye to spending hundreds of dollars on marketing
campaigns that weren’t getting you enough capital in return. With a QR code
generator with logo, you can create customized QR codes for free and engage
more customers by integrating them on your website/app. You don’t have to print
them in bulk yet you can use the same QR code for different URLs – called
Multi-URL QR Code. Multi-URL codes can
redirect users based on their location, great to tailor your campaigns per
geographic area.


With a customized QR code added right next to a
product/service following a call-to-action, people are most likely to engage
with your products. Offering discounts, cashback offers, welcome bonuses, and
coupons through QR codes is also a good strategy to engage more customers.  Our
You can do it to do a survey to understand what you customers think of your

In a nutshell, QR codes have become an integral part of the
marketing world. They aren’t just an information-sharing utility but dynamic QR
codes also let you keep track of user’s data i.e. the total number of scans, time
of the scan, date of the scan, location, and even the device type. Sounds fair

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