How To Use Technology To Increase Productivity

It’s no secret that technology has come a long way and we are now incorporating it everywhere. Think about every type of business and you’ll conclude technology is helping in the day-to-day operations. Personally, I encourage people never to underestimate the power of technology and how it can help you in your business. Not only that, technology has helped people become more productive, and in turn, growing their business more quickly. It doesn’t matter if you’re a single employee or have multiple employees because they’ll help you be way more productive. I have all different types of clients within different industries and want to go over some ways it’s helped them become more productive. Let’s get started.

Track Employee Production

Many businesses have incorporated applications like Rescue Time to track employee computer usage. This application will track how much time is used by the employee for personal surfing. It’ll track computer usage and give you a break down so you know why your employees haven’t been as productive as they should be. However, this can cause a conflict or privacy issue so it’s important to let them know before hiring them that this will be an application used. Make sure they agree to the terms. Next,

If it’s an application incorporated after they’ve been employed, then you simply have to revise the contract, making sure they understand the new terms. This will just protect you in the future. There are many other applications that will perform the same tracing so explore other options.

Online Meetings

With the introduction of Skype and Google Hangouts, you no longer have to account for non-productive commuting times. We all know how much of a headache it can be to hold meetings away from the office and this will eventually cut into productivity. It’s important to make use of software tools like Skype and Google Hangouts so you can hold a meeting quickly. Once you’re done with the meeting, you’ll be able to get back to business, keeping your employees and yourself as engaged as possible.

To-Do Applications

I’ve been a huge fan of these types of applications and use them all the time. I also encourage my clients to make sure they incorporate these applications into employee training. The less time you have to spend remembering what you need to do, the more time you will focus on being productive. I currently use the To-Do List application that also pops up in my browser, reminding me of what I need to complete. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using these applications:

  • Make sure you use them daily
  • Make a list the night before so you are ready the next day
  • If you like, try different ones until you find an interface you are happy with
  • Make sure you prioritize and cross off at completion

Easy Access to Information

Spending less time searching for information means more time being productive and this is very important for your business. Technology has allowed us to develop convenient ways to store information, which can then be accessed quickly and efficiently. Not to mention, our storage systems are safer, too, and this is important especially when storing customer information. Here’s the point I’m trying to make…

Technology allows us to store information within databases that can be accessed quickly. Instead of skimming through a pile of information, you simply need to type in an ID number or “name” and find the information. For us bloggers, we simply need to type a “keyword” and we will be able to find all the relevant information we need.

You need to incorporate what works for you because some technological methods won’t be as important. Take a step back and evaluate what’s slowing your company down then find tools that will decrease the distraction. Test and tweak until you find something that works well, but educate your employees along the way.

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