How to Use the Instagram Algorithm to Your Brand’s Advantage

At a recent press briefing, Instagram provided insight into how its feed algorithm decides what each user sees, outlining the key factors, variables and signals which are taken into account.

You can read a full summary of the key notes here, but in this post, we’re going to look at how you can use Instagram’s critical engagement factors to help boost the performance of your posts.

Here are four ways you can ensure you work with the Instagram algorithm, rather than against it.

1. Post Consistently

The main way to stay present in the feeds of your followers is to show up.

Posting consistently will ensure your posts are more likely to make their way into your follower’s feeds. Some social media experts will say you need to post once a day, but I don’t personally believe this is completely necessary, as each account is completely different than the next, even within the same industries.

Do try to post at least three times a week though, as a post here and there won’t help you stay relevant on Instagram.

2. Post With Purpose and Intention

When posting on Instagram make it meaningful.

Add value and build genuine connection with your audience – post with the intent to build a conversation with your followers, and connect with them beyond your products or trying to sell to them.

3. Strive For Engagement

As I’ve been advocating forever, strive for authentic engagement from your Instagram audience.

Ask open-ended questions, get your followers to share their opinions, and encourage them to tag you where and when it’s appropriate. Remember that the more your followers engage with your account, the more likely it is that you’ll continue to appear in their feeds.

Also keep in mind that your account should be engaging with your target audience’s accounts as well. Set aside some time each day to search locations, hashtags, and influencer accounts, and like photos, leave comments and take part in relevant conversations that are happening.

4. Know Your Audience

Get to know your audience – and especially what kind of content they like to digest.

Ask them within your feed or Instagram Stories with poll stickers, send a survey to your list – anything you can do to know what your audience likes, and what they’d like to see from you.

Have A Plan

Lastly, and most importantly work on a social media strategy, and have a social media posting plan in place so that you can hit every point I just went over in this post.

Hopefully I’ve been able to help you think about your strategy a little differently, and show that there’s nothing to be afraid of if you forget about trying to attract more followers and concentrate on what really matters – adding value, and organic engagement.

A version of this post was first published on Dhariana Lozano’s blog.

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