Big Money Sentiment increased to 1.4 in Q4 2018. It has change of 0.38, from 2018Q3’s 1.02. The ratio increased due to HubSpot, Inc. positioning: 41 sold and 45 reduced. 44 funds acquired stakes and 76 increased stakes. Investors holded 36.40 million in 2018Q3 but now own 37.46 million shares or 2.90% more.
Amundi Pioneer Asset Mngmt holds 0% or 9,097 shs. Northern Trust, a Illinois-based fund reported 477,231 shs. Glenmede Trust Na accumulated 7,290 shs or 0% of the stock. Pennsylvania-based Stevens Capital Lp has invested 0.02% in HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS). Virginia Retirement System Et Al holds 0.01% or 7,500 shs. Deutsche Savings Bank Ag invested in 182,626 shs or 0.02% of the stock. Trustmark National Bank & Trust Department holds 0% or 6 shs. Guggenheim Cap Lc holds 0% or 2,673 shs. Sheets Smith Wealth Mgmt reported 0.14% of its capital in HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS). 184,509 are held by Millennium Mngmt Ltd Limited Liability Company. California Pub Employees Retirement Systems holds 0.02% or 87,776 shs. Crow Point Prtnrs Limited Liability Corp has 0.06% invested in HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS). 1832 Asset Limited Partnership holds 0.19% or 388,000 shs in its capital. Qs Investors Ltd Llc invested in 18,635 shs or 0.03% of the stock. State Board Of Administration Of Florida Retirement System reported 19,510 shs.
HubSpot, Inc. had 17 insider sales and 0 buys since October 10, 2018. This’s net activity of $11.69 million. $3.39M worth of HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) was sold by Shah Dharmesh. 508 shs were sold by Kelleher John P., worth $70,378 on Monday, December 3. 1,005 shs valued at $161,343 were sold by Madeley Hunter on Friday, February 1. Halligan Brian also sold $1.88M worth of HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) on Thursday, December 20. Sherman J Donald sold $1.91 million worth of stock.
Hubspot Inc (NYSE:HUBS) had a decrease of its short interest by 2.74%. It was issued in April by FINRA the 3.58M short interest on HUBS. That’s 2.74% down from 3.68M shares. With Average volume 969,200, HUBS’s former position will take 4 days to recover. Hubspot Inc’s short interest float is 9.73%.
Ticker’s shares touched $163.99 during the last trading session after 0.26% change.Currently HubSpot, Inc. is uptrending after 46.22% change in last April 6, 2018. HUBS has also 505,134 shares volume. HUBS outperformed by 41.85% the S&P 500.
HubSpot, Inc. provides a cloud-based marketing and sales software platform for businesses in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia Pacific.The company has $6.75 billion market cap. The Company’s software platform includes integrated applications, such as social media, search engine optimization, blogging, Website content management, marketing automation, email, CRM, analytics, and reporting that enables businesses to attract visitors to their Websites, convert visitors into leads, and close leads into clients and delight customers.Last it reported negative earnings. The firm also offers professional, and phone and email support services.
HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) Ratings Coverage
In total 7 analysts cover HubSpot (NYSE:HUBS). “Buy” rating has 3, “Sell” are 0, while 4 are “Hold”. (NYSE:HUBS) has 43% bullish analysts. 11 are the (NYSE:HUBS)’s ratings reports on Apr 6, 2019 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Wednesday, February 13 the stock has “Hold” rating by Deutsche Bank. On Thursday, January 24 Oppenheimer downgraded HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) to “Perform” rating. On Wednesday, February 13 Raymond James maintained HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) with “Outperform” rating. On Tuesday, October 23 Morgan Stanley maintained the shares of HUBS in report with “Equal-Weight” rating. On Wednesday, February 13 the stock has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity. In Thursday, November 8 report RBC Capital Markets maintained the stock with “Sector Perform” rating. On Thursday, November 8 the stock of HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) has “Outperform” rating given by Raymond James. On Thursday, November 8 the rating was maintained by Morgan Stanley with “Equal-Weight”.
For more HubSpot, Inc. (NYSE:HUBS) news published briefly go to:,,, or The titles are as follows: “Oppenheimer Praises HubSpot’s Execution, Downgrades On Valuation (NYSE:HUBS) – Benzinga” published on January 24, 2019, “HubSpot: 2019 Guidance Reflected By Premium Valuation – Seeking Alpha” on March 11, 2019, “Billion-Dollar Unicorns: HubSpot Acquired 9 Smaller Start-Ups – Seeking Alpha” with a publish date: February 28, 2019, “American Airlines reveals Chicago flyers’ favorite brew – Chicago Business Journal” and the last “I Bet You’ve Never Heard Of HubSpot – Seeking Alpha” with publication date: December 11, 2018.
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