Is it Worth Doing SEO for Bing? These Usage Stats May Surprise You [Infographic]

While most every business now has an SEO strategy of some description in place, most are focused solely on Google. Which makes sense, Google does hold some 81% of the global search engine market, but there are other search platforms out there, and they are being used by a lot of people.

Take, for example, Microsoft’s Bing. Sure, it’s no Google, but according to Microsoft’s stats, Bing serves more than 5 billion searches per month, and caters to more than 59 million people who don’t use Google.

It may not be the biggest, but those are figures you can’t necessarily dismiss.

Microsoft recently shared some additional Bing usage stats in this infographic (below) which may give you pause to reconsider your views on the much aligned platform. 

This post was originally published on the Digital Information World blog.

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