Join the hunt: your first Golden Hero is now hidden!


The Hero Conf London Golden Ticket Giveaway has officially taken flight. Our golden gliding gallant found refuge in the depths of your favorite PPC blog, and your mission is to find him.

Here’s what to do:

Find our Golden PPC Hero within the content on the site and take a screenshot.
Post a screenshot of the Golden Hero from that day’s contest to Twitter with #HeroConf.
Direct Message @HeroConf the title of the article where you found the Golden PPC Hero.

On Friday, 10 August, we’ll select a random winner from the collection of screenshots and announce our Golden Ticket recipient on Twitter. Follow along to see who is going to join us (will it be you?!) in London with a complimentary conference pass from PPC Hero. Don’t forget, it’s in your best interest to keep the Golden Hero’s location to yourself!

The Fine Print: Only one winner will be selected for each of our 3 golden tickets. For each ticket, the winner will be randomly chosen from all tweets and direct messages containing the correct information. Winner will receive one (1) complimentary conference pass to Hero Conf London, 22-23 October. Travel and hotel costs are still the responsibility of the winner.

Your next Hero flies 15 August. The more heroes you find, the better your chances to win.

Happy hunting!

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