Let’s Talk Attribution | PPC Hero

It’s safe to say we were all heartbroken when Peter O’Neill couldn’t make it to Hero Conf London 2017. But although his presence was missed, you can still hear his awesome content! Join us to hear Peter’s attribution presentation on Feb. 7th – webinar style!

All attribution models are wrong, but some are useful.  Except for Data Driven Attribution models of course which just might be right.  Correct? Or not? What if the challenge is not to find the right attribution model but to ask the right questions?

Peter wants to reframe the discussion so it is not about attribution models but about techniques for optimising your marketing spend. He will talk about why the technique of attribution is wrong and where to invest your time/resources instead.

In this session you will learn:

  • A method for understanding and explaining different attribution models
  • The inherent flaw with the technique of attribution
  • Alternative approaches for optimising your marketing spend


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