London SEO Agency CEO Releases Book On Online Marketing – Press Release

Basmark London SEO has announced with pride that Adrian Tatum, their CEO, has just released a book on online marketing on Amazon. The book is titled, “Get 25x More Leads: The Real Guide To Online Marketing.” The digital marketing company helps customers understand the potential return on investment (ROI) from good search engine optimisation (SEO). They would also like to point out that it is the wesbite lead generation approach outlined in the book that they use to help provide positive ROI for their clients.

Adrian Tatum himself says, “I have a belief that great internet exposure and lead generation should be affordable for all businesses. This is our company mission. We are an SEO and business growth agency that is extremely focused on getting results for our customers. We are very passionate about what we do and the results we strive to achieve for our customers. I believe if you have good products and good services it is my company’s duty to get you the exposure you deserve. The recently released book is designed to help people understand how they can increase the leads from their website 25-fold. The approach described in the book is the very approach that we use for our customers.”

In the book, Adrian Tatum points out that simply building a website for a business in not enough, likening it to an empty department store in the high street. What business owners must understand is that the focus should not be on themselves but on their potential customers. Adrian outlines eight steps that business owners need to follow in order the maximise what their website can provide them. These are: understanding what the website is for; understanding the buying cycle; describing the business’ value proposition from the customer’s perspective; mapping out the buying cycle and matching the website to it; developing irresistible calls to action; designing sales funnels; getting traffic; and measuring, tweaking and refining.

That the approach used by the SEO London agency truly works is attested to by the positive testimonials provided by previous clients. For instance, Paul M., who is in charge of business development apps at a well-known company said, “Adrian is a detailed and inquisitive man one that likes to know every part of the contract or problem he is working one, whilst understanding the strategic picture. One every project we have worked together he has executed with grace and precision. Adrian is one of those rare individuals who truly thinks win win for both the company and the customer. I would write this recommendation with a smile and remembering the projects we have worked on together. Good luck Adrian.”

Meanwhile, Adrian N., CEO of a hospitality industry company, said, “Adrian led the project to turn my Maldives content into an ebook (Resorts of the Maldives). Without him this would not have got finished. He is a first rate strategist, tactician, technician and manager. He thinks of the small details and of the big picture, taking specific steps all along the way to get things done and maximise the project’s potential.”

The London SEO agency specialises in lead generative SEO work. It was founded in 2012 with the goal of helping businesses of all sizes achieve profitable growth. It is essential for them to work only with clients that they believe they can make a significant contribution to. Thus, they urge all potential customers to make initial contact by using the discovery form available on their site.

Adrian Tatum explains, “Our services are in very high demand due to the phenomenal results we achieve for our clients. Unfortunately, we cannot work with everyone who would like to make use of our services. We are therefore very careful to make sure we only agree to work with customers we believe we can truly achieve very high growth rates for. This is why we prefer to give all prospective customers steps 1 and 2 of our proven process free of charge. This allows us to make sure your business can truly benefit from our services before we ask you to spend any money with us.”


For more information about Basmark London SEO, contact the company here:

Basmark London SEO
Adrian Tatum

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