Make More Money for Your Business this Year by Taking a Page out of Marie Kondo’s Book

It’s the beginning of the year and time to visit the organization of your business.

In this episode I have a very informative chat with Strategic Business Advisor and Planner Pamela Chatry.

Thanks to Marie Kondo suddenly making organizing and decluttering in vogue, we are taking a page right out of her book and applying many of the same principles she talks about towards our business.

Watch and gain valuable tips, examples and inspiration on these vital areas of your business that need your attention in order to have a success year:

Human Resources

  • Why every company should have an HR department, no matter the size
  • The importance of clear job descriptions that are designed with outcomes in place
  • How to conduct performance reviews effectively
  • What to learn from your clients in order to build loyalty and get better results for them


  • Why you need to get your “back of house” in order
  • Who to delegate this task to and how
  • How vital your finances are in order to have business growth year after year
  • What you need to know from your weekly, monthly and yearly financial reports

Planning of Marketing

  • What to assess and get the results you’re wanting
  • A simple exercise to help you determine if you should hire marketing help
  • What’s involved in due diligence
  • Whether you should learn everything yourself first


  • What innovation really is for a business (and it’s not what you might think)
  • How innovation will prevent stagnation and allow your business to prosper
  • Simple examples on how to incorporate innovation in your business

Decluttering like a Boss

  • How decluttering is not just for your bedroom closet – it’s for your files too!
  • Why a cluttered desk can stifle great business opportunities
  • What kind of first impression you are leaving your clients and how clutter adversely affects your team too

Pamela left us with one final thought that gives you permission to do this one thing on as regular basis that will make a huge difference in your business growth this year!

We’d love to hear your thoughts today’s episode. Watch this interview and leave a comment below!

Enjoy this latest episode of: Your Business Edge – AMPLiFY! Small Business Marketing Strategies

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