Monthly Income, Growth & Traffic Report – August 2017

This is the 59th income report as part of the zero backlink experiment.

Every month I will publish a post like this one that shows you how this blog is progressing and everything I have done across the month to get it there.

These reports will help me track my own progress while teaching you what to do and more importantly what not to do.

What I Have Done In August

After spending July getting all my ducks in a row, August has been full speed ahead!

But most of this work hasn’t been on the blog.

Most of it has been in preparation for my upcoming JV launch along with updating and adding new content to my course.

But I didn’t ignore the blog completely 🙂

Content Creation

I only 4 new posts last month including the income report.

First I posted a huge update to my email marketing software tutorial along with some live campaigns I am running in Infusionsoft and Drip.

Then I revealed the best WordPress theme for blogging which although slightly biased – is based on my experience of making over a million dollars as a blogger!

I also updated my product launch formula post which takes you behind the scenes of the JV strategy I am using.

Preparing For My First JV Launch

I have spent most of the month preparing for my first JV launch!

Although I am re-using a lot of old assets, there is still a lot of work to do – from planning prizes and recording content all the way through to recruiting affiliates.

Then theres all of the other things you have to think of like will the hosting hold up to the traffic and so forth.

Just the JV page along took 3 days to put together and I’ve got to re-record every video in the funnel yet!

But when this launches, it should break all of my previous earnings records – fingers crossed!

Setup New Drip Campaigns

In past income reports I have shown you how I am using Drip’s URL triggers to create campaigns.

Well I have expanded on that a little more this month with some new campaigns.

For example my expired domains tutorial gets a lot of traffic, specifically for people looking for expired domains.

So I decided to setup a campaign that sends a link to the free trial of Domain Hunter Gatherer (my favourite tool to find domains at the moment).

Essentially it works like this

  • Someone visits the URL
  • 5 Minutes later sends an email
  • If that email isn’t opened, it sends another 1 day later

It’s really simple, but it’s really effective and thats why I love Drip!

Crunching The Numbers

So let’s get our hands dirty and see how the blog has actually performed this month.

Visitor Statistics

Last month traffic increased to 65,474 (2,112/day) as I went aggresive with Facebook ad spend.

This month that has dropped to 56,457 (1,821/day).

Most Popular Content

The guide to making money with Fiverr stole the top spot again!

I must make a note to review that post and look for opportunities this month!

The social media link building guide also held it’s own this month.

Top Traffic Sources

Not much has changed in traffic sources with a good mix of traffic coming from Google organic and social sources.

Search Engine Traffic

Last month search increased slightly to 44,121 (1,423/day) which has dropped slightly this month to 42,998 (1,387/day).

YouTube Views

I lost all of my historical YouTube views because of changes I made to the branding – so I keep track of them separately.

YouTube views dropped from 13,746 to 12,909 this month.

That also had an impact on total minutes watched which decrease from 59,907 to 55,520 respectively.

Social Shares

This month the total social shares across Facebook and Google+ increased from 83,925 to 85,635.

  • Google+ – 27,673 (27,307 last month)
  • Facebook – 57,962 (56,618 last month)


The most important metric on the entire blog – earning a subscription from someone is the ultimate form of commitment and conversion.

There are now a total of 131,550 subscribers across all of the various channels compared to last months 130,333!

  • E-mail – 790 (920 last month) / Total: 54,748
  • Twitter – 190 (154 last month) / Total: 16,564
  • YouTube – 96 (170 last month) / Total: 14,867
  • Facebook – 177 (427 last month) / Total: 26,894
  • Google+ – -10 (9 last month) / Total: 17,827
  • RSS – -26 (27 last month) / Total: 560

Unable to post graphs at the moment – will update asap

Income Report

Here are the numbers you really want to see-

Affiliate Earnings


Consultation Earnings

I separate out the consultation earnings from the affiliate earnings. The blog drives affiliate sales directly and whilst it does generate consultation leads these are separate projects in their own right.

This month I didn’t taken on any consultation work so made a grand total of nothing!

Other Income

I’m working on another project right now that is part of the blog but not something I’m ready to talk about publicly yet or maybe ever.

I will declare the income here though as it wouldn’t be possible without the blog and ‘technically’ it is affiliate income.

Last month this was $14,205.76 which increased a little to $12,929.53 this month.

Earnings Total

  • Affiliate Income – $12,115.15
  • Consultation Income – $00.00
  • Other Income – $12,929.53
  • Expenses – $1,635.62

Grand Total: $23,409.06 / £18,069.45 ($22,409.01 / £16,954.66 last month)

Unable to post graphs at the moment – will update asap

Signing Off

August has been pedal to the metal and that trend is going to continue into September.

Next week I am going to re-record my entire free training video series as well as record 9 case studies.

That is on top of recruiting/managing affiliates, running the blog and managing a bunch of other moving parts for the JV launch.

So keep your eyes peeled for the big reveal of all my hard work on September 22nd!

Thank you again to everyone that has helped this blog breaker the 7 figure barrier – you guys are amazing!

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