Monthly Income, Growth & Traffic Report – December 2017

This is the 62nd income report as part of the zero backlink experiment.

This will also be the final income report I ever publish on the blog

What I Have Done In December

Last month I started planning and preparing for 2018 and December marked the start of executing that.

That includes making changes to the look and feel of the blog and experimenting with some new content formats.

But I’ll also be killing income reports moving forward…

Why I Am Terminating Income Reports

When I first started the blog, it was nothing but an SEO experiment which got out of control.

The income reports were there to help track the progress of that experiment and to help other people see behind the scenes of what is actually going on.

Over the years I have recieved thousands of emails thanking me for sharing my knowledge in these reports.

I have chronicled the entire journey of the blog from zero to well over a million dollars and I have thoroughly enjoyed doing it.

But at this point, the income reports no longer serve their purpose.

On top of that they take a huge amount of resources to put together every month and have a very short life span when I look at the performance of all income reports historically.

All of that time and resource could be invested in producing a much higher level of content across the board and that is the direction I have decided to go.

So while this will be the last income report I publish on the blog, it opens the doors for some incredible things in 2018.

Thank you to every body that has joined me on the journey and offered support over the past years, it’s been wild to say the last.

But now – it’s time to take it to the next level. I owe it to you all.

Key Focuses For 2018

So what is the “next level” you ask?

Well that is going to come in a variety of different flavors-

Easier To Digest Content

One of the biggest problems with the blog is content is very fractioned and theres no easy way to go from SEO beginner to SEO pro in any logical order.

I want to consolidate and organise that experience so you can get the answers you need no matter what stage of the SEO journey your at.

To do that I need to create a structure set of pages that help connect the dots in a way that makes sense.

That is going to take around 140,000 words of new content along with all of the other content enhancers like videos, graphics and downloads.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Last month I told you that I upgrade my computer to an Intel Core i9 7920x, with 128GB RAM and a Nvidia GTX 1080Ti.

I also bought a new camera body, lenses, tripod, teleprompter, bags, cases and all the accessories you can think of.

All of that is to help produce high quality video throughout 2018.

Right now I am still waiting for some essential parts of kit to arrive – but I had a quick play with my how to start a blog video last month.

Develop The Team

Better quality content is going to demand more resources. So I am going to start developing the team as a primary focus.

I have already started doing that by handing graphic design over to Kapa99 which you may have seen with the new featured images across the blog.

That is also going to grow to include more key people so I can accelerate the rate that I deliver high end content to you.

I’m will also invest in a community manager that is dedicated to answering all of your SEO questions and nothing else – this person is proving hard to find.

Blow Your Mind

And most importantly, my mission is to blow your mind with the user experience here end to end which is very fractioned at the moment.

By bringing it all together that will help to accelerate your success.

Because who knows?

Maybe you’ll become one of the many readers that have seen incredible results from the tutorials here.

From not knowing anything to becoming a major influencer
I honestly did not know much about SEO. I thought guys in fiverr can rank you number 1 but I soon learned through experience not to do so. My wife and I started a waist training company and I was in charge of the business side of things.
I spent multiple days reading articles, most of which being Matt’s articles and putting the knowledge to work. In about 4 months the company started making thousands per month.
January being the sixth month was the most successful and we are now getting closer and closer to making 5 figures a month. Thanks Matt.
Brian NguahRoyal Lioness

More traffic & more money
I had a little niche with no more than 100 visits per day and after follow your tutorials the traffic has grown to more than 1,200 visits per day and that means more money for me. Thanks so much!!

Johnny GaloDKSignMT

Wish I listened sooner
I’ve been following Matt’s blog for a while now and kept reading but not doing. One day after one of Matt’s newsletters popped into my inbox I decided to take action and begin to implement and follow some of the tutorials. Wish I had done it sooner, it’s helped me and my clients!


From 5000 Pageviews Per Month To 40,000
As a college student from Ghana, the odds were stacked against me in building a blog. When I started in 2012, the going was tough. I made tons of mistakes and learned along the way.

Thankfully, I found in 2014 and since then the odds turned in my favour with traffic rising from 5,000 to 40,000 per month!

Great guy, great attitude, great methods
Matt is one of those few guys I follow when it comes to internet marketing. Every time I read something on his blog, I learn a little more. Using his methods one can rank ahead of not just authority sites but even the notorious spammers. Great guy, great attitude, great methods.
Harsh J. DasFireYourMentor

Matthew helped us make hundreds of thousands of dollars
Matthew Woodward’s advice and insight is always spot on. My business has literally made hundreds of thousands of dollars (and our clients have as well!) thanks to his advice. Our company has greatly benefited from his blog and we look forward to each post. Keep up the great work!
Andrew StickelSocial Firestarter

Those stories are the only success metric that matters in the end because your success, is my success.

Took A Break

I also spent the last couple of weeks taking a break in Nicaragua visiting just about every place you can think of border to border.

It was great to get lost in a totally different world and fully rely on Spanish for the duration.

It’s taking a while to “change my chip” back to the real world as I am putting the final plan of attack together – but there’s no rush.

Content Creation

Like last month I only published 2 posts this month, including the income report.

But one of those posts was me getting my feet wet with 4k video while I wait for the rest of the equipment to arrive.

So far the all new how to start a blog tutorial has done pretty well with traffic and I am using this as a test base to decide on future change to the blog.

Crunching The Numbers

So let’s get our hands dirty and see how the blog has actually performed this month.

Visitor Statistics

Traffic increased from 55,657 (1,855/day) to 60558 (1,953) per day which is pretty good for the Christmas period in this niche.

That also brings traffic above my desired 60k per month marker.

Most Popular Content

The all new start a blog tutorial stole the show this month by a significant margin.

As usual the making money on Fiverr tutorial stayed strong and the Successful vs Unsuccessful people post saw a big jump.

Top Traffic Sources

One of the biggest changes in traffic this month comes from Pinterest.

This is because I had the Kapa99 team design some custom images for this tutorial that are doing really well on Pinterest.

Other than that not much has changed in terms of the top traffic sources which are made up from organic search and social.

Not much has changed in traffic sources with a good mix of traffic coming from Google organic and social sources.

Search Engine Traffic

Last month search increased to 45,662 (1,522/day). which has slumped a little this month to 41,414 (1,336/day)

YouTube Views

I lost all of my historical YouTube views because of changes I made to the branding – so I keep track of them separately.

YouTube views jumped from 12,344 to 29,524 this month which is largerly down to the release of my new video.

Total minutes watched jumped from 52,900 to 110,272 respectively.

Social Shares

At this time I can only track social shares for Facebook. It seems the plugin I am using isn’t working properly at the moment.


The most important metric on the entire blog – earning a subscription from someone is the ultimate form of commitment and conversion.

There are now a total of 149,631 subscribers across all of the various channels compared to last months 131,550!

  • E-mail – 1,122 (1,965 last month) / Total: 66,675
  • Twitter – 128 (120 last month) / Total: 17,261
  • YouTube – 125 (115 last month) / Total: 15,380
  • Facebook – 308 (482 last month) / Total: 32,021
  • Google+ – 5 (41 last month) / Total: 17,823
  • RSS – -52 (-24 last month) / Total: 471

Unable to post graphs at the moment – will update asap

Income Report

Here are the numbers you really want to see-

Affiliate Earnings


Consultation Earnings

I separate out the consultation earnings from the affiliate earnings. The blog drives affiliate sales directly and whilst it does generate consultation leads these are separate projects in their own right.

This month I didn’t taken on any consultation work so made a grand total of nothing!

Other Income

I’m working on another project right now that is part of the blog but not something I’m ready to talk about publicly yet or maybe ever.

I will declare the income here though as it wouldn’t be possible without the blog and ‘technically’ it is affiliate income.

Last month this dropped to $12,212.79 but has dropped off further to $12,019.69 this month.

Earnings Total

  • Affiliate Income – $21,737.79
  • Consultation Income – $00.00
  • Other Income – $12,019.69
  • Expenses – $2,711.57

Grand Total: $25,718.28 / £19,035.89 ($28,340.31 / £21,038.71 last month)

Unable to post graphs at the moment – will update asap

Signing Off

Well as they say, all good things must come to an end.

And this officially marks the end of income reports for the blog from $0 to over 7 figures.

But don’t worry:

This is all to set the stage for something much bigger in 2018.

So while I might not be sharing income reports with you, I will continue to show you how to grow your business.

Thank you again to everyone that has supported the blog over the years – you guys are amazing!

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