Monthly Income, Growth & Traffic Report – June 2017

This is the 57th income report as part of the zero backlink experiment.

Every month I will publish a post like this one that shows you how this blog is progressing and everything I have done across the month to get it there.

These reports will help me track my own progress while teaching you what to do and more importantly what not to do.

What I Have Done In June

June was a crazy month for a number of reasons as both fitness and work projects came to their climax.

Not only that but it was my birthday and I managed to squeeze in a week of travel.

With that said it has been all hands on deck every single day back to back in one way or another – but it’s been a great ride!

Content Creation

Unfortunately as I was focused on launching my training course this month, the blog suffered in terms of new content.

I only published 1 new post – although it was awesome!

I showed you 7 Google penalty checker tools and how to use them to diagnose penalties.

Finished Ironman Costa Rica

Most importantly this month on June 18th I completed the Ironman Costa Rica event.

It took me a total of 7 hours 25 minutes which is broken down as-0

  • Swim – 00:58:23
  • Bike – 03:21:30
  • Run – 02:47:17

Weirdly at the end of the race I had more energy than I knew what to do with and couldn’t relax.

But I’m glad it is over because training was taking between 3-5 hours per day once you take nutrition and everything else into account.

And no – I won’t be doing another one!

I Was Sick

2 days after doing the Ironman I was sick.

It seems like a virus went around due to the amount of people at the Ironman and I spent the next few days losing weight the hard way so to speak.

During a time my muscles were covering and I needed to eat as much as possible, it was a pretty difficult time and very draining!

Went To England

My friends were getting married on they 1st of July so I took the opportunity to return to England to catch up with friends and family.

What was weird is the weather in England.

It is unbelievably hot by British standards seeing temperatures exceed 30 Celsius regularly – which was great news for me!

Even though I was only there for a short amount of time, I managed to squeeze a lot in with friends and family all over the country.

It Was My Birthday

I also turned 31 this year – the day before my Ironman competition!

I’m starting to think that taking part in Ironman was a subconcious pre-mid life breakdown.

I still haven’t had time to celebrate properly due to sickness – but I’ll be catching up on that soon!

Product Launch Success

I also re-launched the updated version of my Private Blog Network Specialist course with great reception.

I won’t reveal exactly how much it made, but you can take a look at how the original launch went down here.

Preparing for the launch alongside training for Ironman was a serious undertaking but I managed to stay on top of things.

Now that the launch is over, I am collecting feedback from the new customers in order to release a new update to the course next month.

1 Million Dollars

As of last month the blog had made a total of $983,720.24.

But this months income reports tips the scale into the 7 figures for the first time!

That means the blog has now made over $1 million dollars since it’s launch in August 2012.

And that does not take into account the money that was made from the launches of my product above.

It’s an incredible achievement and none of that would be possible without you.

So thank you for joining me on my journey over the years as it has been an incredible ride.

With that said I feel like there are still a lot more great things to come and I’ve got some awesome changes coming up in the next few months that will transform the user experience of the blog.

Crunching The Numbers

So let’s get our hands dirty and see how the blog has actually performed this month.

Visitor Statistics

Last month traffic increased to a whopping 71,364 (2,302/day) but that has settled down this month to 59,504 (1,983/day).

That is because I promoted the video series on the blog for my new course heavily at the end of May which stopped at the start of June.

Most Popular Content

As usual the guide to making money with Fiverr holds its own in the top spots.

My tutorial showing you how to find and use expired domains also proved popular last month.

The updated Wkipedia link building tutorial also proved popular.

Top Traffic Sources

Not much has changed in traffic sources with a good mix of traffic coming from Google organic and social sources.

Search Engine Traffic

Last month search traffic increased to 43,981 (1,418/day) which has dropped slightly this month to 41,004 (1,366/day).

YouTube Views

I lost all of my historical YouTube views because of changes I made to the branding – so I keep track of them separately.

YouTube views decreased from 15,254 to 14,177 this month.

That also had an impact on total minutes watched which decrease from 70,821 to 64,553 respectively.

Social Shares

This month the total social shares across Facebook and Google+ increased from 79,991 to 81,055.

  • Google+ – 27,001 (26,895 last month)
  • Facebook – 54,054 (53,096 last month)


The most important metric on the entire blog – earning a subscription from someone is the ultimate form of commitment and conversion.

There are now a total of 128,626 subscribers across all of the various channels compared to last months 126,368!

  • E-mail – 1,191 (6,259 last month) / Total: 53,038
  • Twitter – 123 (416 last month) / Total: 16,220
  • YouTube – 107 (431 last month) / Total: 14,601
  • Facebook – 977 (2,001 last month) / Total: 26,380
  • Google+ – -22 (-32 last month) / Total: 17,828
  • RSS – -118 (106 last month) / Total: 559

Unable to post graphs at the moment – will update asap

Income Report

Here are the numbers you really want to see-

Affiliate Earnings


Consultation Earnings

I separate out the consultation earnings from the affiliate earnings. The blog drives affiliate sales directly and whilst it does generate consultation leads these are separate projects in their own right.

This month I didn’t taken on any consultation work so made a grand total of nothing!

Other Income

I’m working on another project right now that is part of the blog but not something I’m ready to talk about publicly yet or maybe ever.

I will declare the income here though as it wouldn’t be possible without the blog and ‘technically’ it is affiliate income.

Last month this was $12,169.47 which increased a little to $12,929.45 this month.

Earnings Total

  • Affiliate Income – $10,483.32
  • Consultation Income – $00.00
  • Other Income – $12,929.45
  • Expenses – $762.26

Grand Total: $22,650.50 / £17,585.85 ($23,519.26 / £18,250.95 last month)

Unable to post graphs at the moment – will update asap

Signing Off

June really tested me physically and mentally with the climax of the product launch and the Ironman event.

Over the next month I am planning on taking as much rest as possible while I plan the last half of the year for the blog.

That is going to include a number of improvements to the user experience which will make everything much easier to digest along with some incredible new content series.

If you have any thoughts, comments or feedback both positive and negative about your experience with the blog please let me know in the comments below!

Thank you again to everyone that has helped this blog breaker the 7 figure barrier – you guys are amazing!

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