This is my entry for the July 2017 Titanium Mastermind video contest. While the winner gets $1,000 in MOBE money, I enter just for fun. My chance of winning the contest is next to zero. Voting is done by attendees at the mastermind and they generally never vote for me because they think I make too much money or something.
Would you like to live the Dot Com Lifestyle and join me at a future mastermind? Then your journey begins by apply to my Ultimate Dot Com Lifestyle program. This is a 21 step system that I create with MOBE to show you how to set up a money-making internet business that pays you big commissions.
The program includes a one-on-one coach who will work with you and answer any questions you may have. The application has a one time $49 fee, and allows you to go though all 21 steps. See you at the next mastermind!