OnePlus 7 Pro and regular 7 get Android 10 open betas

OnePlus 7 Pro back on white table

Today is the official stable launch day for Android 10. On the same day as that launch, the OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro Android 10 open betas are available.

While an open beta of Android 10 is certainly not the same as a stable version, OnePlus’ open betas usually are quite reliable. This means that a large chunk of OnePlus 7 Pro owners will have access to a fairly-stable version of Android 10 on the same day as Pixel owners get the official release.

Below, you’ll find the official changelog for this Open Beta 1 for the two OnePlus 7 devices. This changelog shows the differences between this first beta and the stable release of Android 9 Pie:

  • System
    • Upgraded to Android 10
    • Brand new UI design
    • Enhanced location permissions for privacy
    • New customization feature in the Settings allowing you to choose icon shapes to be displayed in the Quick Settings
  • Full Screen Gestures
    • Added inward swipes from the left or right edge of the screen to go back
    • Added a bottom navigation bar to allow switching left or right for recent apps
  • Game Space
    • New Game Space feature now joins all your favorite games in one place for easier access and better gaming experience
  • Smart display
    • Supported intelligent info based on specific times, locations and events for Ambient Display (Settings – Display – Ambient Display – Smart Display)
  • Message
    • Now possible to block spam by keywords for Message (Messages – Spam – Settings -Blocking settings)

This open beta now supersedes the developer previews OnePlus has been releasing for the OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro over the past few months, the most recent of which landed just yesterday.

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To install OnePlus beta software on your device, you can follow our instructions here.

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