Our 10 Most Popular Social Media Podcast Episodes of 2019

Our 10 Most Popular Social Media Podcast Episodes of 2019

With holiday travel just around the corner, it is the perfect time to catch up on the most popular episodes of our Social Pros podcast that you may have missed.

Based on data from Libsyn, our podcast hosting solution, here are the top 10 most popular episodes for 2019 of Social Pros, our social media podcast.

What Seth Godin Thinks About the State of Social MediaWhat Seth Godin Thinks About the State of Social Media

Seth Godin (no intro needed) joined Social Pros to discuss the state of social marketing and the importance of consistency. This is my favorite episode of the year, and our listeners’ favorite episode too.

Seth discusses why clickbait erodes trust, why he is not active on social media, and why consistency is more valuable than authenticity. If you only listen to one episode, listen to this one!

CinnabonHow Cinnabon Built Their Sweet Social Media Program

Not only has this episode been listened to thousands of times, but it also performed well in our weekly newsletter. Who can resist content about Cinnabon?

In this episode, Marissa Sharpless, Sr. Manager PR and Social Media at Cinnabon, discusses the power of storytelling on social media. She shares how to incorporate UGC in your brand storytelling, how to use Twitter Chats and social listening to bond with your community, and how Cinnabon utilizes data when it comes to sales attribution. Fascinating, behind-the-scenes insights into Cinnabon’s social media strategy!

How to Turn Customer Complaints Into Winning Social Media ContentHow to Turn Customer Complains Into Winning Social Media Content

Customer service is an often-discussed side of social media, but when it comes to customer complaints, the strategy is often to move them out of the social spotlight to deal with them privately. Lindsey Hancock takes a different approach and often puts customer complaints front and center, giving supporters a chance to show their love. Genius!

Find out how this works and how you can do the same in this popular episode of Social Pros.

How to Repurpose Your Content on Social for Maximum ResultsAmy Woods podcast episode

Do you repurpose your content? Most marketers spend so much of their time and energy creating new content that they neglect to realize the potential value that comes from repurposing content. In this episode, Amy Woods, founder of Content 10x, explains her proven process for repurposing content on social media.

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Listen now to find out how to use content repurposing to drive traffic, increase awareness and generate more clicks.

Rev CiancioHow to Add Value with Every Instagram Post

There was a time (long, long ago) when all you had to do was post a half-decent photo with a short, preferably funny caption and that was it. Nowadays, if you want to be classed as an ‘influencer,’ you’ve got to sharpen your game and make sure every post provides value to someone, somehow. In this episode, Rev Ciancio talks about increasing engagement on Instagram with a fine-tuned social media strategy. 

Rev is one of the country’s leading food and hospitality influencers, and if you’ve never heard of him, you won’t forget him after listening to this episode.

David ArmanoThe Power and Shortcomings of Influencer Marketing at Scale

Did you know that 63% of consumers trust influencers about brands more than they trust brands about brands? Yet, so many brands still shy away from influencer marketing.

In this episode, David Armano of Edelman discusses why you need to rethink this mindset, the relationship between influencer marketing and word of mouth and to assess whether an influencer is suitable for a brand promotion.

Non-Obvious 2019 Trends for Social Media and BeyondNon-Obvious 2019 Trends for Social Media and Beyond

Trends often seem like they happen overnight, but in reality, there is a bit of a buildup. Spotting a trend and understanding it before it becomes obvious is the key to staying ahead of the game when it comes to social media.

In this episode, revisit the 2019 top social media trends from the beginning of the year with guest Rohit Bhargava. 

Pat FlynnHow to Transform Your Followers into Superfans with Magic Moments

Your superfans are your biggest supporters. They’ll promote your brand far and wide, tell their friends about you and engage with you in many different ways. Your superfans are out there—you just need to connect with them and provide them with magical moments that keep them coming back for more.

READ ALSO  How To Find The Right Social Media Influencers For Your Business

Listen now as Pat Flynn explains how to find and activate your superfans with magic moments. I love this advice!

Jen HartmannHow a 180 Year Old Brand Made a Huge Social Media Pivot

There was a time when social could be used as a free marketing tool. The only price you had to pay for some engagement was time and maybe a little bit of luck. However, putting the same message on multiple platforms and hoping for the best isn’t going to cut it anymore.

In this episode of Social Pros, Jenn Hartmann, PR and Social Media Manager at John Deere, reveals how paid social helped John Deere target their specific audience with the right message at the right time.

WestjetHow This Airline Became the Best in the World at Social Media

WestJet is the number one airline on social media, winning multiple awards for their strategy and performance. Other brands in the airline industry struggle to rival their success and their secret is simple – rather than stick to the same strategy year after year, they’ve continued to evolve alongside social media.

In this episode, you’ll hear from Greg Hounslow, Emerging Media Manager at WestJet, as he discusses how the airline has propelled their online presence to become the number one brand on social in the airline industry. 

Suggest a Guest for 2020

Have a suggestion on a topic or guest for an episode in 2020? We’d love to hear from you! Simply email us and send us your ideas. Happy Listening!


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