Search Results for: algorithms

How to Robot-Proof Your Job as a Content Creator

Artificial intelligence is all around us. As I shared in Content Creation Robots Are Here, billions of AI-created pieces of content are published yearly. What does this mean for humans who create content? Are you in danger of losing a job? Not quite. Despite the growth in artificial intelligence capabilities, the human content writer is

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The Top 20 Elements That Add Credibility to Your Website

Before you start trying to drive traffic to your website, you need to master one factor. I’m talking about credibility. Without a credible website, you’ll struggle to get more customers and increase conversions. Plus, credibility shows you’re trustworthy. If you’re offering something without a trusted name or brand behind it, people will be hesitant to

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More Than a Traffic Boost

I learned content distribution, syndication, and SEO very much by accident. Here’s the backstory: In 2005 I was firmly rooted in the world of documentaries. I worked on projects for ABC News, HBO, The New York Times and Frontline – always as a freelancer. I worked on films about terrorism in Europe, Abu Ghraib, Americans

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11 Experts Predict the Future of Content Marketing in 2018

Marketing moves fast, and working in this industry means you’ve got to get comfortable with change. At the drop of a hat, new marketing tools can change how we create and distribute our messaging, emerging technologies change how we track ROI, and trends can impact our decision-making processes. Earlier this year, I made my own predictions for

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The 1 Question You Need to Ask About Your Social Media Content in 2018

We all have seen, firsthand, how fast social media moves. With each passing year, it seems new platforms arise, old trends die out, and best practices become outdated. While 2018 will be no different in terms of change, by asking yourself the following question, you’ll put your brand in a terrific position to “win” in

The 1 Question You Need to Ask About Your Social Media Content in 2018 Read More »

Is Content Marketing the Future of SEO?

Unless you have been living under a rock, the terms “content marketing” and “SEO” are fairly recognizable. These buzzwords have captured the attention of almost all businesses and companies that are present online. Marketing pundits are now realizing – and leveraging – their worth in creating a brand image and increasing revenues. If you are

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