(POLL) Do You Still Use Business Cards?

Not everyone does business online and for those who remember a time before high-speed access, they’re sure to also recall business cards.

For someone with a small business, at one point a business card was as valuable as a favorite player’s sports card. They have your company name, contact information, and even a logo.

Over the years, they came in different sizes and shapes, colors of paper and paper stock. Today, there’s even a collector’s market for vintage business cards.

But of course, we know there are still some readers who still actively use business cards. Maybe not as much as they used to, but a business card is still an invaluable tool for a lot of small businesses.

At the very least, they’re still a tool that bridges the gap between small businesses who’ve begun to adopt more digital technology and their customers who haven’t or never will. (Think of the salon owner with a customer who uses a business card as an appointment reminder notification.)

So, in this week’s poll, we want to know simply:

Do you still use business cards?

Let us know by answer the poll question below. Share your thoughts on how you still use business cards or when you realized they weren’t necessary anymore in the Comments below.

Business Card Photo via Shutterstock

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