Radio Corona, Apr 10: Shion Lim on prospects for covid-19 diagnostics, treatments and vaccines

Radio Corona, Apr 10: Shion Lim on prospects for covid-19 diagnostics, treatments and vaccines

In this episode of Radio Corona, on April 10 at 4 pm ET, Karen Hao, senior AI reporter of MIT Technology Review, speaks with Shion Lim, a postdoc research fellow at the Wells Lab of UCSF. They will be discussing prospects for developing tests and treatments for covid-19 as well as what it’s like to work at a lab that has stayed open to fight the pandemic.

Lim studies antibody-based diagnostics and therapeutics, specifically how proteins on the surface of our cells are altered in specific human diseases such as cancer and infection. Since the onset of covid-19, the Wells Lab has started working on protein engineering to develop molecular tools that might help in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of covid-19 infection. We recommend that you read through some of our coverage about antibody testing and treatments.

You can watch the live webinar via our Facebook or YouTube channel. Please submit questions for Shion Lim via this Google form ahead of the session. We’ll also be monitoring the comment sections of Facebook and YouTube during the session as well.

You can watch our previously recorded episodes here. For more news about coronavirus and how it’s changing our world, sign up for the Coronavirus Tech Report, a free newsletter from Technology Review.

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