
Release Notes: Exciting Upgrades to Your Stats and Atom Apps

Don’t let your email marketing efforts stop after hitting send.

Our mobile team recently delivered two new versions of our top mobile apps, AWeber Stats and Atom. Check out how to take advantage of these new features and download these free apps today.

Get to know your subscribers with AWeber Stats

Our previous release of AWeber Stats 2.1 introduced an improved presentation of your Broadcast stats, including an easier view of key metrics and unsubscribes. We received a lot of great feedback on Stats 2.1 from our app users – and we took that to heart!

For this most recent update of AWeber Stats 2.2.3, our skilled mobile team applied your feedback to deliver a redesigned Subscribers page. In addition to the information you had access to before, you can now:

See your total subscribers per list, as well as quick stats on how many subscribers joined today or unsubscribed.

Subscriber detail page.

Scroll through your list and easily see a subscriber’s name, email address, avatar (if available,) total opens, total clicks, and the date and time of subscription. You can also learn more about an individual subscriber by tapping a single person to reveal a redesigned subscriber detail view.

Discover where the subscribed signed up, how many broadcasts they’ve received, and their open rate and click rate percentages (based on the total messages delivered to their inbox).

By having your account, broadcast, and subscriber details at your fingertips, you’ll always be a few swipes away from analyzing your performance and planning your next great email strategy.

Upgrade AWeber Stats now, or download now on Android or iOS.

Deliver segmented, contextual campaigns using tags with Atom

Never leave home without your sign up form. Using AWeber’s Atom app (which now supports tags), you can create a beautiful sign up form on your mobile device or tablet.

This allows you to collect subscribers wherever you may roam – whether you’re at a conference, networking event, or behind the counter of your own storefront. Quickly and easily add subscribers with Atom, and they’ll be seamlessly added to a list of your choosing.

With Atom 2.1, you also get they ability to add tags to your mobile sign up form.

At AWeber, we promote writing contextual and personalized emails. One simple way to do this is to deliver emails based on where a subscriber signed up.

Using tags, you can now trigger smart, personalized automated email campaigns.

Here are a two quick examples on how you might use this for your list:

Networking follow-ups

At a networking event? Create a campaign that will be started by the “Tag Applied” trigger. Set the tag to be the name of the “networking event.” Then, add this tag to your Atom form. You can even set the campaign to be sent with a 24-hour delay. The content for this campaign can be relevant to the networking event:

Hello {!firstname_fix},

It was great to meet you at [Insert Networking Event].

I wanted to share a quick link to my blog [or share some other valuable resource], which you might appreciate. 

Let’s definitely keep in touch,

[Your name and signature]

Now you can easily automate that initial follow-up with a single email campaign.

Retail promotions

If you have a storefront, you can use Atom as a digital kiosk to collect subscribers. To incentivize them to sign up (and make another purchase), promote a discount that can be used for future visits.

Create a campaign that will be started by the “Tag Applied” trigger. Set the tag to something like “atom-store.” Add this tag to your Atom form. The content for this email campaign can be relevant to the promotion.

Hello {!firstname_fix},

Thanks for stopping by the store and signing up for our email newsletter!

Next time you come back, please mention the code “EMAIL10” to receive 10% [or your custom code and discount offer] off your next purchase.

Be on the lookout for future promotions and announcements in our weekly newsletter, delivered every [insert your send schedule; ex: every Thursday morning].

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

[Your name and signature]

Using AWeber’s Atom app with tags and Campaigns allows you to truly customize your subscribers’ experiences and deliver the right message to the right person at the right time.

Upgrade Atom now, or download now on Android or iOS.

Get started today

These updates only scratch the surface. There’s so much more you can do with our suite of mobile apps, which also includes our curated-content email newsletter builder, Curate. Our team is working hard to create new, remarkable experiences to compliment and redefine your AWeber experience.

If you’re already an AWeber customer, you can take advantage of Stats and Atom today! Simply install the apps, and log in with your AWeber username and password.

Not an AWeber customer? Sign up for a 30-day free trial so you can take advantage of our awesome email marketing features, including email automation, subscriber segmentation, beautifully designed email templates and our suite of mobile apps.

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