Search Results for: SEO Definition

Marketing Strategy – Point-of-Sale Marketing: Give Them What They Want, Wherever They Are : MarketingProfs Article

What’s your focus? Are you all about e-commerce, harnessing the Internet for most of your sales, and with an obligatory storefront? Or do people flock to your physical location, and your website points them there? The reason I ask is this: Where you make your sales informs your point-of-sale (POS) marketing. If you type in […]

Marketing Strategy – Point-of-Sale Marketing: Give Them What They Want, Wherever They Are : MarketingProfs Article Read More »

Yes, This is Still a Thing

‘); $(‘#scheader .sc-logo’).append(‘ ‘); $(‘#scheader’).append(”); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(‘ ‘+cat_head_params.sponsor+’ ‘); $(‘#scheader .scdetails’).append(cat_head_params.sponsor_text); $(‘#scheader’).append(‘ ADVERTISEMENT ‘); } }); }); Paid link building is taboo in most SEO circles. It’s talked about in hushed tones (if it’s talked about at all). Most SEOs won’t admit to doing it. Reputable SEOs outright condemn paid link building, and with good

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How and Why (or Why Not) to Build a Chatbot

Let’s say your organization has the best content in your industry. Prospective customers go to your site, enter their questions in your search box, navigate through a few clicks, and – voilà – they get instant answers to their questions. Excellent. For today. But are you ready for tomorrow, when your competitors lure those customers

How and Why (or Why Not) to Build a Chatbot Read More »

How to Create a Marketing Funnel That Generates Sales

NOW UPDATED! This post has been expanded for 2017. Enjoy! What is a “marketing funnel”? No, it’s not what you use for cooking.   We’re talking about the kind of funnel that you absolutely must get right if you want your business’ sales process to run as efficiently as possible. Basically, your marketing funnel is made up of several

How to Create a Marketing Funnel That Generates Sales Read More »

9 Books to Spark Your Upgrade

Moving into the future, businesses need expertise in an ever-increasing array of marketing tools: email marketing, social media marketing, Google Ads, blogging, growth hacking, lead generation, SEO, SEM, etc. Understanding which tools and strategies to use to achieve your business objectives can be difficult. That’s where this book list fits in. This list contains nine

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7 Ways to Create Better Content Simply By Understanding Your Customers

I’m going to start this blog by saying something that may shock you. Everyone does content marketing these days, but not everyone does it well. A successful content marketing strategy is one in which the content actually provides value to the consumer. But a lot of content out there just exists to toot its own horn. The trick to

7 Ways to Create Better Content Simply By Understanding Your Customers Read More »

4 deceptive Google Analytics metrics that fool retail marketers

In the world of web analytics, not all metrics are created equal. Some can stand alone on their own, giving you valuable insights into business performance at a glance. We call these metrics Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and depend on these metrics to guide our marketing efforts, especially as we head into the busy holiday

4 deceptive Google Analytics metrics that fool retail marketers Read More »

8 tips for improving your content creation

The rise of content marketing has brought content creation to the forefront for all businesses. This makes it more important than ever to explore the best ways to create effective content. The definition of effective content for every business may be different, but in general, it still has to bring you closer to your goals. That’s why effective

8 tips for improving your content creation Read More »

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