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101bestemail 2014

101 Best Email Subject Lines of 2016

In 2016, DigitalMarketer sent 107,442,263 emails… …emails centered around promotions, blog posts, charity, and certifications. And we learned a thing or two about what works in the process. It’s safe to say for us, 2016 was “the year of the content mail.” DigitalMarketer has become much less reliant on promotional emails as our primary means […]

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What Happens When You Try to Cheat Google 1024x512

What Happens When You Try to Cheat Google

People and companies go to great lengths to be valued by Google. Can you blame them, though? Studies show that ranking first in Google will net you 33 percent of the traffic for a given keyword. After that, it drops to 18 percent for the second ranking. But if you’re thinking about finding ways to work

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Can Systems Thinking Help You Think Like a CMO and Drive Marketing Innovation?

Every marketer has felt the pressure to drive marketing innovation. But what does that really mean for the average marketer, whose role includes a diverse range of different factors? Consider a day in the life of a marketer. You’re managing social campaigns on four different networks. You’re editing blog posts, writing blog posts, and trying

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there are no lanes

The Reason Growth Hacking Works Has Nothing To Do With Growth Hacking

The reason growth hacking works has nothing to do with growth hacking and everything to do with blowing up organizational silos. What Is Growth Hacking? Marketers love to market. We’re forever repackaging and rebranding, even when it comes to our own profession. Can you blame us really? We’re frequently the last ones to get the

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the Value of Thought Leadership

At, we work with experts like you everyday. You’re our readers, clients and colleagues, and now, you’re our writers. You’ve been in business for quite some time. You’ve had many successes (and failures), learned valuable lessons and have experience that a younger you would’ve killed for. You are an expert. At, we work with

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nonprofit content marketing

Nonprofit Marketing 2017: Challenges, Strategies & Examples

Nonprofits start with a critical ingredient that many B2B and B2C marketers don’t have: a mission, a reason for existing that doesn’t boil down to “sell something.” Having a purpose provides the necessary foundation for great storytelling – a strong seed to grow an effective content marketing program. Yet, many nonprofits lack a couple things most

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