SearchLove London 2018: 10+ New Ways to Visualize Your Search Data

Wil Reynolds talked about How Power BI Can Help You Bust Silos back in 2017. He showed how Power BI is changing every part of his job. You may even remember him talking about Bubbles and boxes.

But since Wil’s 2017 SearchLove presentation have you downloaded Power BI and/or another data visualization tool? Well if not, Wil’s slides for SearchLove London 2018 are below to show you he is continuing to use Big Data and the importance of using new tools.

We still believe that in order to grow as a company, we need to grow as an industry. 

Download Power BI or Tableau today to get started & join the Big Data journey today. Also, check out Seer’s YouTube to start Power BI Lessons with Wil Reynolds.


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