Seo In Guk explains military duty exemption after 4 months of silence

After 4 months of silence, Seo In Guk personally opened up about his exemption from military duties.

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As previously reported, Seo In Guk was first sent home from basic training on March 31 due to a cartilage fracture in his left ankle and followed up with checkups on April 27 and June 5. He was then diagnosed with osteochondritis dissecans, a joint disorder in which cracks form in the cartilage and underlying bone, which exempted him from his mandatory military service.

On October 4, Seo In Guk wrote the below letter on his official fan cafe:

“In terms of my military duties, I filed for a delay in my enlistment. Though I did have things I wanted for my career, I was already advised to undergo surgery, and I was going through pain relief and treatment. However, I wanted to serve in the military, so I delayed my enlistment. I did not apply for a re-examination, nor did I bring any application when I enlisted. However, in the first interview, the platoon leader told me to tell him in advance if I had an illness, and on the day of the health exam, I raised my hand and told them I experienced discomfort in my leg.

I never dreamed that I’d go to the hospital over this. As soon as I got to the hospital, I got an x-ray first, and then they spoke to me. I didn’t imagine that I couldn’t go to the military because of this issue. I think it’s definitely my fault.

As a singer and actor, I wanted to confidently enlist as an active-duty soldier, and do everything I could in my duty to defend the nation. That’s why after the results were out, I requested that the hospital allow me to continue in the military. I knew that if I left like this I’d be embarrassed, so I wanted to stay no matter what. However, the hospital said that it was too much for me to undergo military training, and there was nothing they could do.

There were a lot of things I’ve wanted to say, but I felt like everything I say would be like an excuse. I was scared I’d look unworthy. I was surprised to see so many people were suspicious about certain aspects, and I thought it was understandable. However, I’m sure of my perspective and my side, and I thought I should tell the truth for sure because of my supportive and caring fans who might be hurt. 

I’m sorry that you all went through hard times because of me. I wanted to only give you good memories related to me, but I’m very pained that you might’ve been hurt. I’ll worry and worry again about how I could comfort you for that time. I’ll try my best so that only good things happen in the future. I’ll do my best to return the heart of my fans.

I hope you all feel my sincerity and have a joyful time during your remaining holiday. From In Guk.

ps: If you were really hurt, I’m very sorry. I’ll make your pain stop for sure.”

In other news, Seo In Guk recently signed with BS Company after leaving Jellyfish Entertainment.

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