Seven recruitment trends to continue for 2019

If you’re looking to recruit next year – or are thinking of looking for a new job – Caerphilly-based Clear Sky Recruitment’s managing director Ross Porter says these are the trends you should be aware of…

Go mobile

Earlier this year, Google announced they were moving to mobile-first indexing. Search engine optimization may not have been a top priority of recruiters in the past, but this update is worth acknowledging.

Google makes changes for two reasons: to benefit the searcher’s experience and to adjust to searcher’s habits.

Today more candidates are conducting their job search on a mobile device.

But that doesn’t mean the industry is following suit. Although mobile platforms have been around for quite a while, many recruiters haven’t adopted this change.

In a recent study, 45 per cent of job seekers said they use mobile to hunt for jobs at least once a day.

And 89 per cent of job seekers use mobile platforms for job search.

Today, 16 per cent of applications are submitted via mobile. To be effective, your recruiting strategy should allow candidates to easily interact on a mobile device.

Say goodbye to paper CVs

Speaking of applications, the future is signalling the end of the paper CV.

Organisations are beginning to place more importance on soft skills. Beyond a paper document, social media profiles and video submissions can more accurately demonstrate a first impression.

For the company hiring this means keeping up with trends and being able to accommodate these technologies.

For job seekers, this means developing an integrated personal brand through social media profiles, digital portfolios, and even a personal website (if appropriate for the position).

Develop an attractive online profile

If companies want to attract top talent they need to portray an appealing environment.

Social media is used to demonstrate corporate culture.

Research shows that 79 per cent of candidates review social profiles during their job search.

The reality of working for your company should be accurately portrayed across your social media.

Strengthening employer brand was listed as a priority by 60 per cent of organisations.

Your website, social media, and online reviews should provide an accurate depiction of the company culture.

Realise the impact of artificial intelligence

It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, but artificial intelligence is impacting the job market.

The UK has already experienced the impact.

In 2017, 66 per cent of UK office employees requested the assistance of AI to accomplish their daily work.

This technology will impact the roles HR departments need to fill.

Working with the assistance of AI will change the skills required of employees. Within the next 15 years predictions indicate that 50 per cent of employees will rely on the assistance of AI.

Consider flexible working conditions

The gig economy has impacted the job market in multiple ways. Not only are more workers moving to freelance positions, this trend is changing their expectations.

Research found that 65 per cent of employees would pursue contract work if given the opportunity. This can be attributed to the many perceived benefits of such roles such as working from home.

A 2016 survey reported that the ability to work remotely impacted 68 per cent of candidates decision.

We don’t anticipate the entire workforce to quit their traditional jobs for contract work. But the popularisation of these non-traditional roles has changed employee expectations.

Take note of virtual reality

There’s no shortage of video interview software. As we previously mentioned, video is able to demonstrate a more accurate first impression.

Video interview doesn’t seem like it will be going away. Additionally, virtual reality and augmented reality platforms are being used for interactive hiring needs. Rather than answering the usual questions, virtual reality shows how candidates respond in practical settings.

Develop Talent Relationship Management

With an already competitive job market, Talent Relationship Management (TRM) has become an increasingly important recruiting tool.

Unfortunately, many HR departments have overlooked the importance of cultivating the existing relationships within the organisation in order to attract new talent.

History has shown that 40 per cent of companies’ best hires come from within.

One study showed that utilising TRM resulted in a four per cent higher offer acceptance rate.

Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) shouldn’t be overlooked. Rather, it should be implemented alongside TRM in order to recruit the best candidate.


In order to recruit the right candidate, you have to employ modern hiring methods.

Simply posting a job and waiting for the CVs to pour in may not work anymore. Today’s job market requires a more proactive approach from both the recruiter and the candidate.

Finding top talent requires staying up-to-date on these trends.

Depending upon the size and capabilities of your organisation, you may not be able to adopt all these trends. But you should be aware of the expectations.

As an organisation, identify the weaknesses within your current recruiting methods and be willing to implement.

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