SMART Marketing Goals Made Easier

SMART marketing business plan

Marketing serves many purposes for a business, from advertising and promotional sales to packaging and customer retention. Creating marketing campaigns without a goal (beyond “make money”) can waste time and resources. However, setting goals for marketing campaigns can be confusing and cause haphazard growth. For your company to grow reliably, you need the SMARTEST goals you can find.

Setting SMART Marketing Goals

A SMART marketing goal is a popular process to help you set the right goals for your needs. While created in the 1980’s, many variations of SMART have developed since. What once was a simple concept for goal setting has become yet another confusing element in goal setting.

Any variation of SMART can help, but optimal growth suggests expanding on the concept to create the SMARTEST goals possible. Adding a few steps to SMART goals actually makes the process easier.

What is SMART Marketing?

The basic premise of SMART marketing is outlined below:

S stands for ‘specific.’

Make goals as detailed as possible instead of relying on vague hopes. ‘More’ isn’t specific enough; how much more exactly, and what’s the best way to get it? Instead of “make more money,” you want to see something like “make five million more.”

M means ‘measurable.’

Track, record, evaluate and test everything you can from beginning to end. Plan regular meetings to evaluate measurable results throughout the campaign. If your goal is to make another five million dollars with this marketing campaign, how are you going to track it? How are you going to tell the difference between people buying from the campaign or people just buying?

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A is for ‘attainable.’

Determine whether the goal is realistic for your company. Assess resources and abilities to make sure the goal is feasible. Can you really make five million dollars with this campaign?

R represents ‘relevant.’

Ask whether this goal follows your mission statement or company vision, and explore other ways to achieve the same goals that may suit your needs better. Can you make the extra money without stepping away from your brand statement?

T implies the goal is ‘timely.’

Consider the timing of the goal, not just in terms of deadlines. Is this the right time to work toward this goal, or is there a more opportune moment? If the economy is in a down slump, is it really time to go for five million? Perhaps building your brand’s trust is a better endeavor.


On its own, SMART goals are simple and effective. Adding a few simple steps can help streamline the process. Since the SMARTEST goals also include the SMARTER concepts, it seems easier to skip ahead.

E calls for ‘evolution.’

This step reminds you to consider what’s beyond the goal. Once you achieve the goal, what will you be able to do that you weren’t before? Set up a plan to reward the accomplishment in ways that further benefit your company overall.

S inspires a ‘social’ action.

Share your goals and their achievements publicly or internally in a way that can be shared. This increases participation and excitement for reaching the goal.

T brings it all together with a ‘trigger.’

Also expressed as emotional connection to the goal, begin and end with an incentive for everyone involved. Determine why your company wants to achieve the goal overall and on an individual level.

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Using these eight steps, you can easily create goals that not only benefit your company in concrete terms but also progress into future ones. Give your business more sustainable direction by using the SMARTEST way.

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