How To Save Your Smartphone Battery Case Study

Smartphone Battery Tips – Content Marketing Case Study

National Media Coverage and 200k+ Visitors from Hit Reach Content Asset

liGo are a large electronics ecommerce retailer based in Glasgow, Scotland. They have been established for more than 10 years, turnover more than £12 million, have more than 40 staff, a 6,000 sqft state of the art warehouse and have recently expanded into Europe.

Despite the company being very well established the liGo site itself is very young, and the brand relatively unknown, as the company historically operated under a different domain.

Hit Reach were contracted by liGo and tasked with 3 important ongoing goals:

  • Raise brand awareness
  • Increase links and traffic
  • Technical SEO consultancy

Satisfying Multiple Goals to Maximise ROI

At Hit Reach we appreciate that ROI is the bottom line regardless of the budget we’re given to work with so we enjoy finding solutions which satisfy multiple goals.

For example, in liGo’s case we can satisfy increasing their traffic and providing technical SEO consultancy by migrating their historical site (which has 4500+ pages) into the new liGo site whilst ensuring Google is kept happy and there’s no detrimental impact (which we’ve planned and will implement soon).

This case study shows we we satisfied raising brand awareness whilst also increasing links and traffic using an interactive content asset.

How to Save Your Smartphone Battery

Despite the company currently focusing on the sales of digital cordless phones, rather than mobiles, we decided to ‘chunk up‘ to give the content asset a broader reach and wider appeal whilst still being closely related to the product range being sold.

We decided on a guide which would provide details on how to save your smartphone battery across a range of makes and models and the guide provides support for almost 150 different handsets.

How To Save Your Smartphone Battery Case Study

Hit Reach conceived, researched, designed, built and outreached the content asset (which can be viewed here).

We made the asset embeddable, easily updated with new phones via a simple admin system and ensured you could link to a specific make and model of phone. All of which help ensure longevity of this asset for our client.

The asset was well received and featured on the homepage of the Daily Mail, the homepage of Digg, featured on Inc., Lifehacker and many more sites.

BBC Radio 2 picked up on the piece and invited liGo to chat live on air during a primetime show. Radio 2 currently has the highest number of total listeners in the uk at over 15.5 million. It was also talked about on BBC Radio 5 amongst other stations.

How To Save Your Smartphone Battery Case Study Featured On

The traffic from the piece was very significant (relative to this site) and you can see below the average level of traffic prior to the piece launching on October 21st (about 2000 sessions a day) in comparison to the campaign going live.

liGo analytics

The numbers below from the top 10 traffic sources (below) show that despite the Daily Mail being a huge traffic source the client also received a large volume of direct traffic and organic traffic from Google.

liGo analytics breakdown


We all know that traffic alone whilst exciting can be worthless so what value did liGo get from the campaign?

  • A 600% increase in brand searches so a big increase in brand awareness
  • Google enabled sitelinks (seen below) due to the increase in brand search
  • Brand exposure on BBC Radio 2 to a prime time audience
  • Ranking improvements across 15 high converting keywords
  • A DA increase of around 10 (yes, a vanity metric)
  • Invitations from publishers to promote content assets in the future
  • Residual traffic increase following the campaign
  • An evergreen asset which can be updated with new phones using the admin area we built

liGo Sitelinks

We’re working on the next campaign for liGo which will hopefully eclipse this one.

If you’d like to discuss how we can help you with a campaign or ongoing SEO strategy please get in touch.

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